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How to introduce a 5 yr CAG to water


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I would like to know how to introduce a 5 yr old african grey to take a bath, or shower? He pulls back when I get him near a sink that has water in it. I have tried to show him by playing in the water, and used toys, and treats, but no sir, he won't have it. Today I took him in my bathroom and turned on the shower and let him see the water falling, and then turned it off, and just thought I was going to set him down in the bottom. He pulled back, and sort of bit my finger:woohoo: I have tried to spritz him with a hairspray bottle that has a fine mist holding it way up above so it would just mist down on him, but he lunges for the bottle, and starts jumping up and down, so I know that I am really upsetting him. I know he needs a bath or shower desperately, but the lady that had him previously didn't do anything of the sort. She couldn't because of her health.

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You just might have one of those greys that simply don't like bathing/ showering/ misting. It's not uncommon. Not all birds conform to those 3 actions BUt, after those things being done over and over, they will accept the fact that it's gonnabe done and the bird will have to put up with it. The anger will be less but the annoyance will remain the same. The person who previously owwned the bird should have been the one posting this question here. Unfortunately, that person didn't and decided to go the easy route. In your situation, misting /spraying the least traumatic. I wrote this and it applies to bathing and spraying. Just pay attention to the spraying directions and also, don't be surprised when he shows utter dislike for this--BUT in your situation it simply has to be done no matter what the bird's reaction is. Another thing you need to realize is that he's 5 and has a set in stone attitude about baths.


Bathing/Spraying------most greys don't like bathing or spraying but they do need to get it done, especially since they have dander(white dust that they always throw off). Here is a suggestion....First , use colder water. They like that colder temperature better than tepid water. Second, when you're spraying him, try to get as close as possible with the sprayer, and don't spray his face. Many parrots don't like getting misted from a distance. It's much more annoying to them than when the sprayer is closer. Third, when you do get closer only use 1/2 squirts. The shock of the water isn't as great as it is from a distance. Fourth, the grey won't open his wings when you're spray him so when you're using the sprayer, turn the knob so that the water comes out it would from a water pistol. With him facing you,squirt the water between the wing and his body. The water works it's way in and he will spread it around. Fifth, a grey's feathers are waterproof and it sometimes looks like the water is just rolling off which it is. You should keep spraying the outer wings because the dander is laying on them. Enough wetness will soak the dander and when he shakes off the water, the dander will get soaked and fall down to bottom of the cage. Sixth, never towel dry or hair dry hiom after a bath or spray. The longer he stays wet, the more he benefits from the bath/spray. Sixth, the best way to get a grey used to spraying is constant repetition combined with 1/2 squirts. Do it once a day if you can. Expect squawks, growls and screeching but whether you know it or not, a grey likes the feeling it gets after getting a bath/spray


Believe it or not, your problems and situations are not as complex as you think. Mainly, it all has to do with time plus not putting time limits on anything you want to accomplish. And of course, don't expect a total turnaround in his attitude. The good part to this--your bird will be cleaner with less chance of developing dry skin.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/26 02:18

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I just don't want him to hate me when I do this. I have tried so hard to be his friend, and build his trust, but I know it has to be done. I may get my husband or son to do it, so I don't have to be the mean one. :P

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Tyco hates baths also but she gets a good soaking three times a week like it or not what I do is put her in the bath tub with a perch so she cannot bite me after she's in there she cannot climb out then I put the plug in and run the bath water til it comes up to the top of her legs I use tempid water on the cool side but not freezing then I turn the shower on to get her back wet and by the time I'm done the water is about at her chest. then I rescue her and put her back on her cage I've found this to be the simplest way and Tyco is a rescue she's never hated me because I make her take a bath I think she blames the bathtub not me.




Animation1.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/26 07:53

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Our TAG Kumiko didn't appreciate getting bathed, but now he will enjoy it sometimes. He still doesn't like our shower, but the spray bottle bath is something that he can really get into if he's in the right mood. :D He'll fluff up and squawk and run around on his rope perches, exposing various areas for spraying until he's dripping wet. He's quite the sight when we are done.


Just keep trying and you will eventually find a method that he can enjoy. :)

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Greys, for the most part, do not appreciate water on their body. Dayo will run around to avoid it, but always just acquiesces into standing still with feathers as tight as he can suck them in and letting the shower of Aloe and or Water continue until I am done soaking him.


The odd thing is, put a Pan of water out and he loves just running through, around and every once in a while touching his belly down it with all his feathers fluffed up and wings extended. But, he will not really get himself wet at all. :-)


Like a child hates taking a bath or shower, we just make them do it for their own good. B)


But, do it calmly and gently, especially on a new bird you've just re-homed and are trying to build trust, not fear. :-)

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what do you use to spray your bird with? I use an old hairspray bottle that gives off a fine mist spray, but like dave007 said maybe i need to change the type of bottle.He keeps putting his head down in the way and biting at the bottle.

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Tyco is starting to enjoy her bath tup bath she gets soaked to the skin and afterwards she feel so good when I say you wanna have a bath she always steps right up to bo the the bathroom its the only way I've found that she isn't overly scared if I show her a spray bottle she will runand hide and cower in the corner of her cage like someone said we are not here to scare our birds but having a bath is definatly something they need often. I have foud that the bath tub is the least scarry for Tyco and thats why I do it that way. if she had her way she would bath in her waterdish and that would be the only bath she would get but she doesn't get herself wet that way so its the bath tub for her and the rest of my birds as well



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I'm not sure I know what you mean by a hairspray bottle. Does that bottle contain an aerosal? It has chemicals in it that the hairspray bottle came with?

Any way, any type of spray bottle that has a nozzle that has a squeeze type trigger should be used. The top of the nozzle should be able to be turned either to an off or on position. The best nozzle to have is one who's tip can be turned so that an adjustable mist can come and if turned, a adjustable stream can come out. Those are the ones pictured. You can get them in any place that sells garden supplies. Very inexpenive or you can use an old Windex type bottle which should be cleaned very thororhly ( a drop of liquid soap ). Shake and rinse out completely. Use handle so the soapy water goes through nozzle. If needed, do it twice. Put the bottle away and label it BIRD.

I have 2 sprayers--left one is for water--right one is for aloe juice.


DSCN0161.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/26 19:14

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Hi Kebbie.


My grey is finicky with water also. Sometimes he loves having a bath, but most of the time he hates it. I find mid-way through he gives up hating the spray and just starts tolerating it. Which is nice for me.


I'd say, since bathing is something new to him entirely, just ease him in as slowly and gently as possible. Sometimes Edison takes a spray bath better when I spray other things with the bottle first, myself included. This is great on really hot days :laugh:

You may also want to try a shower perch... and just let him sit in the shower a few times while you run the water and don't get him wet. I remember reading an article a while ago about introducing greys to water/showers that way. The slow and steady approach seems to work for most people.


I have a spray bottle very similar to the one Dave has which I picked up at our local hardware store. It was, at most, $2. I'd still be hesitant to use a hairspray bottle despite any uber-cleaning.


Good Luck

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We use the spray bottle also. I spray into the air above him and let it fall on him like rain. He tolerates it but not crazy about it. On his perches in the living room I have his food and water dishes. He tries to take a bath in the small water dish but if you try to put him in a bigger container it scares him to death. They are definatly a strange character at times.

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