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He's home!


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Woody just got dropped off and settled into his new home! Achillies (my kitty) is sitting next to his cage wondering what that clicking sound is (it's Woody's toenails on the cage bars lol).


Woody is looking at me, via hanging upside down on his cage top (he is inside)...now he is on his food bowl...now he's moving to his water dish..I'm glad to see he isn't cowering in one corner! :laugh: I cut up his favorite apples and put them in his bowl, although he hasn't touched them.


So, I'm wondering...when can I start working/playing with him..or letting him out of his cage? I know that it might be a bit much to push it tonight, but when will I know it's 'the right time'?


Stoked to be grey'd....




P.S (Pictures coming soon!)

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hi amberly, i just got my grey a month and a half ago and she is 5 months old and i got her out the first night and messed with her a little then the next day i did it again for longer and she did fine she did m=seem nervous she was ridget but she let me hold her and that so i guess it is up to you but maybe you will want her to get settled in a little bit before you mess with her just a suggestion i'm sure someone else here can give you more advise.

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Oh WOW! You got your baby home!! Congratulations! I would start letting him out as soon as he seems comfortable in the cage. If he's climbing around and eating that sounds really good. Hopefully he won't be one of the really nervous greys. I have one who is afraid of his own shadow, and one who gets really excited to see anything or anyone new!


Oh the one hand its great that Liath isnt nervous, but on the other she is into all kinds of mischief, hopfully Woody will be somewhere between the 2:laugh: So how is he this morning? Are you going to let him out today? Or did you let him out last night? How did he get on?

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Hehehe....Amberly I can see ur sooo excited! :))))

All the best - enjoy the new family member!

Oh, and maybe shoo the cat away first few times you take him/her out of the cage just incase one of them gets a bit too curious.


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Congratulations on your new arrival Amberly!!!


If your Grey seems comfortable and wants out if you open the Cage door and offer a hand to step up and he accepts...GO FOR IT!!! :-)


It sounds like you are having a wonderful first day together. :-)

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He just ate breakfast, he's a pig! lol


I left the room to go to the bathroom and he started whistling and singing and talking to himself, it was so cute! Last night he leaned up against the cage bars and asked "Rub my neck!"


My cat is sitting on the window cill a bit away from his cage. If he gets near it I have been spraying him so he knows "Get near cage = wet = I hate wet"


He seems comfortable...but yet, what do I know? lol


I am going to try and get him out later, when he is done eating I think.


W00T! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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He was fine with it, while I was fixing myself breakfast, he even walked out onto the cage door, looked at me then walked back in lol


I think he wants clean food because he keeps putting it in his beak, then dipping it in his water, THEN eats it :P


I am trying to devise a way to coax him out of the cage / step up!

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Just leave the door open and his curiosity will get the better of him and he will come out, try playing with some of his toys and having a good time with them to entice him out.


Some birds just like dunking their food in the water and some make soup for you, enjoy:laugh:

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