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New baby in the house!


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Hi all, I'm brand new here and just wonderng if I can pick a few brains? We brought baby grey home little over a month ago and initially, he was keener to go to my fiance than me. However, it was really me that wanted him, and a I feed him and clean him although we both handled him from the start. about two weeks ago, baby alfie took a dislike to fiance david, and now although he will tolerate him, gos out of his way to avoid him. we can't pinpoint any change other that we introduce a rubber plant in to the living room just proir to this. Does anyone have any advice how we can put this right?

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Hi guys, thanks for the advice.

By the time I clicked that the plant was probably the culprit, Alfie has kind of accepted it, and has taking to perching on it, which was really why I got it in the first place!

And David is continuing to suck up with treats!

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