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Harrison's pellets


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Hi, again, I am new to this forum, and have signed the welcome page, and I have a question? How much Harrison's pellets, do you think I need to feed my CAG? He is about five years old, and the guy that still actually owns him told me to give him five pellets a day, and a baggie of fruit or veggies. He loves the pellets. I called the vet and she said to never limit him on any of his food. She said that her African Grey eats like a pig. I am trying to get my ducks in a row and make sure that I give hiim all the care he needs. I have already fell in love with him, and he is adjusting well to our house. Hopefully, the guy will just give him to me forever.

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Rigel eats up to a quarter cup of Harrison's high potency a day. I also mix in a few (3-5) power treats Sometimes I add a bit of Zupreem to keep him from getting bored. At night when I sit down for dinner, I feed him a slice of apple, sweet potato, grapes, etc. I try to save the fresh fruits and veggies for when I am home. That way I know they are fresh and he gets to eat with the family.

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I give Kumiko a good sized handful of pellets everyday, he doesn't always eat them all, but he certainly makes the effort. I also mix the pellets - Power Treats + High Potency Pepper, along with dry squash seeds and a few (very few) unroasted nuts.


He gets his fresh vegies and fruit in the morning and doesn't get his pellets until after lunchtime (to encourage him to eat his fresh stuff.)

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