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Hi...1st time on!!!

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I would like to say hello, first of all, and tell you a little about my bird. His name is Floyd..or Greybird! He isn't actually mine, I am actually a babysitter for a very long time, hopefully permanently. He has had a rough go in life, because I am actually his fourth home to be in. My cousin was given this bird for his birthday, by one of his friends. He kept the bird for a while, and then his house was damaged from Hurricane Rita, so he had to move in with his father in law, and therefore, handed the bird down to his mother. This is where the trouble started. She kept Floyd in her living room for a while, and then got tired of fooling with him and moved him into the utility room and kept the door closed. She fed him a diet of straight sunflower seeds, and just a little mixed veggies on the side. Needless to say, he has feather plucked his tummy almost bald, and I am having all sorts of trouble trying to change his world around, from giving him a bath, mist or shower, to eating like he needs to. I have been reading thru your forums, and there is alot of great info, that has really helped me. Anyways, this just about sums it up. I will add a picture of him a.s.a.p.

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Hello Kebbie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Floyd.


Floyd sounds like he has had a rough life, poor thing, being stuck in the utility room with mostly sunflower seeds to eat and no interaction with anyone, no wonder he is plucking. I hope you do get to keep him permanently, he deserves a better life than what he was leading and you sound like you want to provide that for him.


Realize this will take a lot of time and patience on your part but he will eventually come around to eating better and maybe even cease the plucking but time will tell. You might need to take him in to see an avian vet to get a clean bill of health, just to make sure there are no physical reasons for the feather plucking.


You have already started on our many threads, keep on reading them for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing a pic of Floyd when you get a chance.

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I'm already crazy so you don't have to worry there, but you can ask any question no matter how trivial or silly it sounds, we have heard them all before.:S


Please let us know what you find out from the vet on Friday, hope he gets a clean bill of health.;)

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Welcome Kebbie and Floyd!!!


It is wonderful of you to take Floyd in, get him setup properly and actually start doing the necessary research to give him a good life, loving home and most importantly actually becoming a member of a flock with social interaction.


The photo of him in your Avatar shows he is good looking CAG. It's GreYt you have already got a vet visit scheduled and are working on mending the physical and mental wounds he has.


Ask all the questions you want. :-) Looking forward to hear more about Floyd and seeing some more photos when you get a chance.

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I added several pictures of him....somewhere in my profile. thanks for all the kind things you have to say, and i really look forward to the next day when i can sign on and see if i have any messages or advice. if any of you have advice that you think i should know, please drop me a line and let know. I want to do what is right by him, and love him as if he were actually mine....keeping my fingers crossed, that his actual owner doesn't want him back:)

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I just wanted to let you know that I did take Floyd to the vet today, and she said that he was in good shape. I didnt have her to do a complete checkup today, because of the money, but did get his nails trimmed. She said that I needed to mix some vitamin e in a bottle with water, and mist him with it. She said that vitamin e is one of the best things that you can use on your bird, for feather picking, like for dry skin or if the bird has picked until there is a wound. She has a grey as well, which she rescued from someone else and told me that her bird picked herself until she bled and she applied vitamin e straight on the wound, and she said that it is almost miraculous, that you could see it healing up by the next day. So that is pretty much it. well, see ya!!:)

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