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Hi There,

I don't have an CAG as of yet I want one very much and I have been into my local petshop visiting with one for several weeks now.The only thing is the bird loves my husband...lol and he doesn't want a bird I do...

The only thing that I am really concerned with is if I buy one will it get along and be comfortable in my home we have a Golden Retriever,Pug,a cat and a 3 year old sometimes when the 3 year old plays with the pug puppy it can get loud in this house.......

What do you think?would the Grey get use to this?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/16 03:57

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Welcome here Catnaxis :)


Although I have no experience in the same position as you are, I'm almost sure from reading a lot about it, that it'll work out. As long as you spend time with the CAG and slowly get him introduced to his new surroundings.


Maybe other posters have more practical advise.


Hope you'll enjoy it here :)

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We also have a house full of boisterous children and a Scottie. Our CAG, Japie, has easily fitted into all this. He might do a whining imitation as his first 'word', but he is always happy and chirpy and seems to communicate with each family member in his own way. Our 2yr old son has had a solid nip on the nose, which sorted out the constant 'kissing' of the bird. Just my opinion that your bird will adapt to your surroundings and family. good luck. :)

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rome68 wrote:

........... My grey calls my dogs in my voice and the go right to the cage..........




sorry, but that is hilarious :laugh:


they actually listen to him?

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Hi my name is Cathie and I have a Grey Addiction! LOL

If you read my Bio you will notice that I have quite a few dogs and they all get along with my birds fantastically! My Greys call each dog by name and also whistle for them to come to them. Bernie my newest Grey will also come down the door to lick the nose of my youngest dog. The cats have taught them to meow and make a purring sound also. sometimes I am not sure the Greys know that they are birds! do any of you take your birds out to visit places? Mine ride (one at a time) on my shoulder while I am driving so they get to visit the banks when I go in.

Both my Greys are rescues, actually got both at at around the same age 3 years but at different times.



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Hello Cathie welcome here, I hope you'll enjoy it :)


That sounds soooo cool: you walking into a bank with a grey on your shoulder (eventhough I keep on reading not to put them on your shoulders, but what the heck :laugh: ) -


are the people at the bank talking to him/her when they see him/her?

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