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Echo Doing Better


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I would like to share that Echo is healing pretty well.

We went to the vet yesterday ( not the vet from Hell) and he was please with his progress. I still have to continue with the iodine wash twice a day. He said it would probably take two to three weeks for him to fully heal. That greys are slow healers. It sure is hard on the little guy having to spend longer periods of time in his cage. The only time he is out is when I can sit on the floor with him one on one. If I walk by to talk with him he says "step up" and puts his little foot up. He is something else. I sometimes think is harder on me than it is on him. I sure do miss all our time together.

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Thats good news Mary about Echo and I can imagine that it is harder on you than him, I bet that about breaks your heart to go by his cage when he says step up and lifts his foot, he wants out with you but for his own good he has to take it easy for a while.


I hope it heals up soon so he can spend more time with you and then you and him will feel much better.


Thanks so much Mary for updating us on Echo and keep up the good work.:);)

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That is really good news. Echo is such a sweetheart ...Foot Up, "Step Up"....I could not resist that sweet and cute request. :-)


Echo is a real fighter and determined to get back to normal for some good old romping around!!

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