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Sashagirl Back after long illness!


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To many of you who don't really know me because I haven't posted much.I've been sick for some time with GI

problems and many other problems that was ongoing which continues on.I also suffer from mental illness which is a daily struggle.Well my Dr didn't manage my medication

correctly and that caused a big problem.During all the health problems we still managed to take in several animals that were in need of a home.1 more Chihuahua,3 Eclectus and 1 Congo Grey.I have been very fortunate that my husband Elliott has picked up the slack when I'm

unable to.I was able to find this site again because I store everything.If not for that I would not be able to be here now.I hope to be able to return because now I have 7 Greys not all difficult but some with some serious issues.



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Sorry to hear you have been ill but hope you can get over this rough period in your life, you certainly have enough birds to keep you busy and occupied, how in the world do you manage all them.:S


You have 7 greys, my that is a lot of greys and you can count on us for help and support, all you have to do is ask. Now that you have found us again, please don't be a stranger, we love hearing from you even if you don't have a problem at the moment.:P

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Welcome back Marcia !!


I am glad you found your way back. Sorry to hear of you set back, but it sounds like you and your husband have continued very aggressively in helping rescue all those new critters and provide a loving home for them.


Looking forard to hearing more from you when you have time. :-)

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Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear that things have been a bit rough for you. Hopefully it can only get better! WOW! 7 GREYS?! I'd love to see your setup, maybe you could post your flock sometime for us to see! :woohoo:

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If my memory serves me correct you are in Virginia.I know it's been a long time since I've been here but that's what I remember.Correct me if I'm wrong.Having so many parrots I have been to so many sites doing research.I'm glad I found my old emails and happen upon the link to this site.Yes I have 7 Greys 2 Timnehs and 5 Congos.1 of the Timneh's I named Taco was work but has come so far in the 3 years that I have had him.Now for the 5 Congos 2 of them are okay they don't have issues.The work will be the last 3 Congos that we took in.There is Yoyo she is 4 years old and was surrendered to a Pet Store who found me.Loving the challenge like I do I accepted the same day I met her I was greeted with a nice bite most people would of walked away but not me.I came back a few days later and took her home.Her story was that her original owner adult child moved back home with a small child that would pick with Yoyo.

Of course you know what the outcome was?Yoyo started biting to defend herself and then was thrown out.Yoyo is very cage territorial which doesn't surprise me and has lots of fears to hands,toys and things.Then there is Sinbad who is 2 years old rehomed because the couple will be eventually relocating.Sinbad was very attached

to the male owner it's been about 4 months and he still doesn't let us handle him.Now for the number one case is Casey is 10+old she was kept in a Cockatiel cage for

1 year with 2 Cockatiel toys and not allowed out of the cage.The owners were afraid of her because she bit them a few times.She is now in a large parrot cage in our bedroom and talks non stop.Every once in a while I can sneak and touch her.But she is still a work in progress.A lot of damage has been done.I've seen a lot of cases that really needed

help and this was one of them.What angered me the most about this case was that the owner claimed that things were the way they were because he didn't know any better and was new to parrots.Well he had a computer with all the latest.Then within 1 month he called me to tell me he felt bad about the way things went with Casey

and that he wanted to make things right.Well his idea of making things right was to go purchase another Congo

African Grey which he also named Casey.That was it for me I no longer have contact with this person.I only feel for the furture of the new Casey.judygram wrote:

Sorry to hear you have been ill but hope you can get over this rough period in your life, you certainly have enough birds to keep you busy and occupied, how in the world do you manage all them.:S


You have 7 greys, my that is a lot of greys and you can count on us for help and support, all you have to do is ask. Now that you have found us again, please don't be a stranger, we love hearing from you even if you don't have a problem at the moment.:P

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Yes Marcia, I am in Virginia and I am so glad that you found your way back to us again after a long absence, you have been gone about six months. But you have been busy I see with 30 birds and some of them challenges but you seem like the kind of person who if anyone can make miracles happen you will.


You have some difficult cases there that you are working on and it takes a special kind of person to finally get thru the shell and get into the heart of these birds and I know you will accomplish this in due time.


I feel as you do about the new Casey in that man's life, he hasn't a clue to the disservice he is putting that grey thru, I feel so sorry for him.


Be sure to add this site to your favorites list so you can come back as often as you like so you never lose us again, welcome back to greyforums.:)

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judygram wrote:

Oops in my haste I put the wrong amount of parrots we're not quite at 30 yet.Still at 27 right now.Though

we have the three CAG's that we are working on there still are others that I will talk about later in the right section.I'm still getting used to this board but it's easier than some.I was able to load my picture without going through too much.That was a plus

seeing I'm not exactly computer savvy.Our amount of parrots won't grow too high or we'll be living on the lawn.It's a good thing I talked Elliott into seeing the birds in a different way.Now he is beginnihg to love the ones that he's not afraid of.Some of his favorites are the Eclectus,Greys and his favorite Amazon is Beau the Yellow Nape Amazon.Elliott participates now where as before he would say "Your Birds" So it is a big step from the way things were.

We also have Macaws large and small.The Large Elliott has limited contact with but he does feed and water them.Before he wouldn't even go in the room with them.

Hey I'm working to make him a complete bird person.Do you think I'm pushing my luck?Love can make you do stranger things!:whistle:

Yes Marcia, I am in Virginia and I am so glad that you found your way back to us again after a long absence, you have been gone about six months. But you have been busy I see with 30 birds and some of them challenges but you seem like the kind of person who if anyone can make miracles happen you will.


You have some difficult cases there that you are working on and it takes a special kind of person to finally get thru the shell and get into the heart of these birds and I know you will accomplish this in due time.


I feel as you do about the new Casey in that man's life, he hasn't a clue to the disservice he is putting that grey thru, I feel so sorry for him.


Be sure to add this site to your favorites list so you can come back as often as you like so you never lose us again, welcome back to greyforums.:)

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Hey Cagal08


It's good to see you here.In July I lost Sydney the 11 year old Harlequin Macaw and it was less than 2 month after the loss of my friend her previous owner to suicide.I took it really hard and sunk into a deep depression and contemplated suicide myself but I called my Dr and asked to be placed in the hospital while they adjusted my meds.They kept me for 8 days and so I have been out for 5 days now.I'm not 100% but I am sleeping better.Between Bipolar,anxiety,Colitus and many other things going on it was a relief to find out that I don't have Crohn's Disease.But they did find precancerous cells.All I can do is hope for the best and ask for continued prayers.




Cagal08 wrote:

Hey Marcia!!


I hope you are feeling much better now and hope to hear more from you :)

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Oh my gosh Marcia, you have been having a really bad time, sometimes when it rains it pours but glad to hear you are doing better, so happy you stopped in to update us on yourself.


I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery and you keep your chin up girl, we are here for you if you need us.:)

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Dear Marcia, :)

My very dearest friend was named Marcia also, so I feel very close to you.

I am very glad you asked to be hospitalized for medication adjustment. It is too difficult to do this as an outpatient in my opinion.

And I wish you the very best with the gut problem.

Your birds are so fortunate to have your love and attention.:) :)

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and support.We have one thing in common and that is that we love our animals and our animals love us unconditionally without judging.I may not have the support and love of my family

but I have decided to move on from that chapter in my life because it's just too painful.I have found new friends and family on many forums and they are genuine.

I hope we are can stay true to our words.Thanks again



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