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New to a Grey world

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Hello all, my name is Michael. My wife and myself will be moving into our first house in August and shortly after will be proud parronts of a baby African Grey. We previously had a cockatiel when we lived with a family member and due to some unfortunate circumstances had to move into an apartment where birds were a no no. So my parents have happily kept the tiel for us and we are excited to get him back when we move. Anyway I have done hours and hours of online research for all aspects of living in a birds world and looking for any information on training, cleaning, housing, rasing, playing, and well being of a Grey and I would wholeheatedly accept any and all ideas, tips, or advice that anyone has to offer. There is a local woman who runs a little animal store that specializes in birds, she has somewhere in the neighborhood of 100+ birds herself in her house that she cares for and some of these are breeding pair that she then uses to sell. She has agreed to let us come up when the chick is born and help with some of the feedings and weaning when it is old enough and then eventually take home with us. The only other animal in our family is a mutt dog about two years old and the tiel we hope to get back, but other than that we are on pins and needles waiting for our newest flock member to arrive. Again any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and hope to have fun here.

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Hello Michael and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


That is great that the breeder is going to allow you to participate in the feedings of your baby grey and getting to spend some time with him/her before you bring it home.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you do go visit with your baby if you could get some pictures to share with us as we would love to see it.

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Hello and Welcome Michael, it looks like you are starting off on the right foot. Done your homework and now moved on to advanced study. The real fun is yet to come and when you do bring your new flock member home all of the home work you did will pay off. I am newly greyed and felt at first that nothing I researched applied to my lil guy when I got him home. It did it does and it will, but this is the place to be. The more prepared you are the easier your lil guy will adjust but keep doing what you are doing and ask lots of questions all will be answered as I am proof that there is not such thing as a stupid question here. I may even be able to answer a question and I would owe it all to the wonderful people here and my lil BoBo.


Welcome again and hope to see you around.



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Welcome to our little grey family Michael.. You have a lot of changes coming soon in your life. I hope everything goes smoothly and you are able to get your tiel back with you and then your new little grey. It sounds like you are going to have an exciting year!

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