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Off to Tampa tomorrow


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Just so you guys don't think I was abducted by aliens or anything, I am off to Tampa, FL tomorrow for some training at my company's headquarters.

They think I'm still trainable. Isn't that a hoot? :laugh:

I will be home on Thursday, I think that's the 26th.

Hope you all have a good week!

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Thanks for the heads up on your absence for a few days Laurie and try to have a good time while in Tampa but it may be hot and muggy there.


Have a safe trip and of course you are trainable, at least they think so and that is what counts.:P

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Hahahaha...now you see what I deal with every day of my life!!!! I'm about 2 hours south of Tampa, and it's just as hot and muggy here if not more so.


My bro just got back from Iraq the other day and as we all know is a desert out there but the first thing out of his mouth when we walked outside of the airport was "Good lord it's hot!"

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Wow, that is impressive.

To have someone come to your neck of the woods from the desert and say it's hot!

I like to visit Florida, but I don't think I could live there. I went for a walk one evening, and these little lizards kept darting across the sidewalk. I was like, "I hope these guys know I'm wearning flip flops!"


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GreYt to have you back Laurie!!


Did you happen to see any of those HUGE Rhinoceros Beetles with 3 horns? Jesus, I walked out of my room one night and one of those guys was waiting for me at outside my door.


I didn't bothered to ask him in, I just gave it a good kick and off the balcony he went. :evil:

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I didn't see any beetles or anything like that.

Though, one night I was sitting up in bed reading and I SWORE I saw something moving across the sheet next to me. I leaped up, tore all the covers off the bed - but couldn't find anything. So I slept in my exercise pants that night, with no covers. Yikes!

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