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my congo african grey parrot has some bad breath


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bad breath usually occurs in a bird when they've eaten certain pungent things like peppers and other spicy things frequently, but that doesn't happen often and as they older, their breath doesn't develop any unusual foul odors. If you feel that the smell is out of the ordinary and has been happening just recently, then you should call your vet and ask about it. The vet may find it unusual and the situation may require an exam.


PS--it could possibly be a minor infection under the beak area.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/22 01:11

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If the breath does not smell like something your Grey recently consumed, it is not normal, as Dave pointed out.


No Parrots breath has a foul or pungent odor. The only smell I have noticed from Dayo, is that of Garlic after some Spaghetti or other garlic laden dish.


A trip to the vet may be in order.


Please keep us posted on this. :-)

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danmcq wrote:


No Parrots breath has a foul or pungent odor.


That is a good point...parrots should not have a "breath" with two exceptions. One is the obvious...if they just ate something. The other that some people might get concerned about it after your parrot "gurges" for you there is a bit of a smell to the breath. I have had so many birds gurg for me it's not even funny...mostly macaws...and the one parrot Sunshine the B&G always had to do it right in my face. The "breath" doesn't last long, but for anyone that smells something bad coming out of their birds mouth stop and think if they have barfed for them in the last hour.

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i found when his breath stinks is when he eats table food lol he needs to hurry up and start talking' goober getting better talking some what

do i have too do class with him everyday for him too talk?

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steph wrote:

i found when his breath stinks is when he eats table food lol he needs to hurry up and start talking' goober getting better talking some what

do i have too do class with him everyday for him too talk?


You need to talk to him A LOT and with enthusiasm (that gets the best results.) You also need to keep in mind that some birds never talk. Just be happy with him the way he is, and if he's going to talk, he will. Some day you may wish he had an on/off switch.


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M2MM wrote:

You need to talk to him A LOT and with enthusiasm (that gets the best results.) You also need to keep in mind that some birds never talk. Just be happy with him the way he is, and if he's going to talk, he will. Some day you may wish he had an on/off switch.



I may be in the minority, but I like it when Nikko whistles little songs as much as I do her talking. Today she was whistling some made up tunes and dancing, so I knew she was happy. She usually only talks when she's been left alone in the room and wants you to come back.

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I talked to my Grey all the time, ever since he was a lil feller. He talks quite well, they actually can learn how language works. He tells me he's cold, but that actually means he wants something. I learned this when he said "what ya cold?" Meaning what ya want? LOL

they tend to make up their own stuff too, but he mimics some and he understands some.

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DDixon wrote:

I talked to my Grey all the time, ever since he was a lil feller. He talks quite well, they actually can learn how language works. He tells me he's cold, but that actually means he wants something. I learned this when he said "what ya cold?" Meaning what ya want? LOL

they tend to make up their own stuff too, but he mimics some and he understands some.


LOL, Nikko does something similar. When she is frustrated or not getting her way, she'll say, "Good night!" If she can't have her way, she would rather just go to bed :silly:.

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