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what a brat


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I was watching Tyco eating her fruits and veggies this morning she so funny she goes through her dish peice by peice and takes a little bite out of each thing to try it then if she decides its a keeper she puts it back in her dish if she decides she doesn't like it she tosses it she almost tossed a peice of necterine then she took another bite just to make sure and put it back in her dish no wonder her cage is always the messiest to clean what a little brat. Oh well what can you do birds will be birds. I bought one of those scewers for hanging fruits and veggies on mabie I'll try putting all her fruits and veggies on that and see what she does then. I only found one at the petfood place so I asked if they would order some more for me I think they would also make great things to make toys with.



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Awww Pat! I feel you! Saturday is my big cage and area clean up day and Bella made a tremendous mess again! I was scraping oatmeal off the walls and windows, blueberries off the rug and crumbs all over the place! While I was cleaning, she was eating her breakfast of scrambled eggs with spinach, brocolli and fax seeds. I was sitting on the floor scrubbing, looked up and saw her beak covered in food and as if she knew I was looking, I realized she was going to do one good fling and that was going to be ALL OVER ME! And sure enough - before I could move I had spinach with scrambled egg in my hair!:S

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That is one systematic Grey you have there Pat. Tyco probably counts the number of "Chews" before swallowing too. :-)


Terri - LOL... Hahahahahahahahaha No Respect!! Bella reminds me of my children at age 6 months to a year old. :-)

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Biggle's is going through a "difficult phase" too with his eating... He has started to pick up his food, with his claws, and posts it through the bar of his cage. :S


Needless to say, my day is now taken up with constant picking up and hoovering :laugh:


I can't suss out whether he's doing it because he finds it amusing or if he's posting us presents and is sharing his food lol.


We're also still battling with the whole chucking his water bowl about game that he still occasionally plays lol.


Biggle's table manners are shocking! but I wouldn't have him any other way :lol:

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Oooh I know the chucking the water bowl game:woohoo: ! It was so annoying... but I won that little battle! On Tracy's advice I bought the crock lock dishes. They are a brilliant invention. Any money was worth the pleasure of sitting back and watching Liath throwing a hissy fit, and heading for her water bowl fully intent on throwing it just to demonstrate how annoyed she is. And then to see the confusion on the poor birds face when she realised it wasnt going anywhere. And I sat there smug and thought "Mammy 1, Liath 524"!!!!:lol:

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Yes, Dexter does the "toss food through the cage bars" thing as well. And now he's taken to going up on his play gym and tossing claw-fulls of the compressed pine pellets I use for tray coverage on the floor. Grrr... I usually scold him once and then put him back inside the cage if he insists on the behavior, but I'm not sure if he's getting it (or if I really want the closed cage to be a punishment). I'm torn...

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Oh yea I have lixit lock down dishes for all Tycos food she can still turn them and throw them but not nearly as often I gave her a small food dish as a foot toy and let me tell you thats her favorite Its like wow moms giveing me permisson to chuck a food dish it really doesn't matter to her that its empty and that way she leaves the ones that are full alone. I'm going to have to give her a new one soon because the one I gave her is getting pretty chewed up. Oh well its just one of those cheep little plastic dishes so I don't mind replaceing it when need be.



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I can't believe she can still undo the dish!!! I suppose its just a matter of time before Liath figures that one out too. She has only had the dishes a couple of months. They really are little brat's aren't they? It's a good job we love them anyway :laugh: :lol:

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Ziggy, my grey, lives in our living room during the day (only goes to cage at night). When my wife decides to sweep up his mess during the day he grabs a foot full of food, throws it and laughs like crazy. My wife proceeds to give him the business and it happens again. Sometimes there is never a dull moment. At three he`s like a 2 yr old kid .

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Every single time I clean around his cage, I no sooner take the garbage out of the room than Dorian is throwing and shredding whatever is handy back onto the area I just cleaned. He seems to find a clean floor as some sort of insult to his sensibilities!

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