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Visit with Vet


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The current owner and my hubby took the birds that we are adopting to the vet yesterday. The vet said that both birds had good health. Sidney, the grey, is overweight so we will need to work on the food. He's currently eating zupreem fruit flavored and that's it. So we'll work on adding fruits & veggies. And getting him out of his cage to excercise. Ricco, the mexican red head, has a slight heart murmer, is in great need of a bath and also needs diet change. They were very well behaved through the entire visit. Especially Sidney. Ricco was more amazon typical by being skittish but did well also. Hubby was able to hold both birds even though they were in a new situation. Hubby just loves Sidney. They were both tested for chlmydia and we should have the results in about 5 days. Vet said that in the past it was typical that there would be false positive test and she feels that was probably the case for Sidney. Neither bird appeared to have chlamydia so that was good. God willing they will be in our home by the mid to end of next week! Yea!!

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That test could very well have been a false positive and it happens more than you would think but glad to hear both birds are healthy.


Jody, I know you are excited that you will have both of them soon and you know you have to get us some pictures, we want to see them too.;):)

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That is brilliant news! And at lease Sidney is eating pellets, it should be relatively easier to add veggies, than to wean him from a seed diet. Believe me I know, I have 2 seed junkies in my house :laugh:


I am sure once you get them home you will be able to work on diet and exercise etc.


Congratulations and can't wait to see some pictures!

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