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Altair the linnie is finally home


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well... altair the linnie is finally home. but apparently he's not as much of a baby as i thought he was, turns out he's six months old. my bad, i forgot to ask. but oh well. at least he's not a biter. but i've never had such a flighty bird. now yes he's only been home about two days but still... i've never had a bird sooo unwanting of humans. most birds will react and look at you when you begin gushing good birdie and whatnot but this bird just wants to get away. i know partially it's because he hasn't bonded with me and is hand shy, but it kinda hinders step-up practice when he doesn't respond to praise or whistling... however he adores the tiel and will whistle with her, even eats out of the same bowl and follows her around lol, but she wants nothing to do with him. any tips for calimng altair down and bonding with him?

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He's still a very young baby at 6 mts. If it's only 2 days, he'll need time to get used to you, the family, the surroundings and the daily habits of the house. Let him relax from the safety of his cage and let him get used to the atmosphere. Don't force yourself on him. Let him show interest in you first. Give some peanuts--talk to him. Do things around him but ignore him. At other times have a one way conversation with him. Don't expect any answers or overt reactions. An imprtant thing here is that you can't compare the amount of time it took for him to show interestt in your other bird. After all, it's a bird and you're a person. TAGs don't warm up to things right away but neither do they shy away from things. So, just take it slow. It's only been 2 days

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You remind me of an old Cosby routine from when he first started having kids. His first girl was calm, quiet, slept through the night right away, ate everything, rarely cried. So he figured this parenthood thing was a cinch and decided to have a second child right away. His description of the second girl went something like "She came out smoking a cigar, her head spun all the way around twice, and she shouted 'Alright, who's in charge here?!'" Consider yourself in the 'I got suckered in here' club!:P


I hope Altair settles and calms soon. Have fun getting to know him.

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He's just a baby needing time to adjust he will come around give him some time in his cage to assess the situation and in a day or two try taking him into the batroom for stepup training colse the toilet and shower he can't fly far in the smallest room in the house and practice stepups he will soon come around I had to do this with a love bird once that loved to fly away. a week in the bathroom for 10 min. 4 times a day and i could do anything with that bird.



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lol, yep, i definetly got suckered in here lol. that 'hmmm just go get some birdie food... aww look, what a cute birdie... look at those big goo-goo eyeballs awww... too bad i already have birds..... WEEELLLL there IS that old cockatiel cage in the basement.' and before you know it you're heading for the cash with the food AND a new bird.. only to suddenly think... 'oh no, what the heck did i just do!?' driving home. ah well, it's a labor of love. i've been trying the step-up sessions like you describe tycos_mom but i've just realized he's too scared and flighty for it to be effective. so right now i'm trying to get him to come out of his cage and take some seeds from me before i try to physically interact with him.

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  • 1 month later...

new updte on the little guy (girl?0, he steps up from outside his cage pretty good and is slowly calming down inisde his cage if i put my hand in. he eats from my fingers when off of his cage and just tonight ate from my fingers.. inside his cage!! i'm so happy, the little guy is finally starting to tame down.

he loves to sit on my shoulder in my hair and just look around, also will sit in my lap for skritches occaisionally, YAAAY!

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Good, progress is being made:) I brought home a new bird last month. He wasn't a baby, he is 12 years old but he was pretty leary of me the first week or so, too. Probably because I wanted to play with him right way so bad and he didn't want no part of it:( . I finally realized I needed to slow down a bit and instead of messing with him, i started messing with things in his cage. Changing perches, the water and food bowls, putting in some new toys, just messing around in the cage and pretty much not paying any attention to him. That's what did it for me. He was very interested in what I was doing and then wanted me to pay more attention to him. So I started more of the baby talk to him. It worked pretty good. I had to wait on him. But not paying as much attention to him but being there and doing stuff made him want to check me out more. We've been together about a month now and we've bonded very well.

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Thats great news its just amazing what a little time and patients will do. I'm so glad he's taming down so well for you It really hasn't been very long and He's already hanging out on your shoulder and letting you give him scritches. He must be a real sweet heart under that I'm a big tough bird persona :laugh: Tyco My Grey liked to play to big mean tough bird when I got her she really tryed to intimadate me but I saw another side of her and just knew it was a big act. Now she doesn't even try that tough stuff with me anymore I think she secretly likes all the attention and scritches she gets when she's nice, because she being nice a whole lot more lately and constantly wants me to come over and play with her when she's playing with her foot toys. I taught her a few colours so now when she wants me to play she will pick up a block and say yellow or red so thats my cue to come over and say thats right what a smart girl you are yeah for Tyco and then of course we spend the next 15 minutes or so going through all the stuff she knows over and over. LOL Thats my girl Have fun with you new little guy I'm sure he's just loving the attention he getting also

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