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Don' Know What To Do? Advise Quicklly


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Boy, do great minds work together or what:lol: I have Echo sitting with me right now. He is in the smaller cage I use to take him to the doctor's. It has a large wooden perch, hanging toys and even some foot toys. We have been giving each other kisses through the bars.

As far as the first vet. He is a she! I am not even going there. Where we live in is a small coastal city on the west coast. I always try to stay active in the different community ventures and have met quite of few people. One of my friends is exactly on the City Council. I have meet some pretty interesting people at her cookouts and get togeters. I think you can get my drift! This lady vet messed with the wrong person!!!!

Unfortune for Echo he has another vet visit on Monday just to check his progress. I was told it would take about two weeks for him to heal.

I am looking into some avian vets further south. It will take me at least an hour to get there but he is well worth it along with my other "kids"

Cyber hugs from me to you too!!! Love it!:cheer:

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He does need some out of cage time but ido agree until he heals up the cage is the best place for him. after that you will have to take him out and see if you can try to help him become a more confident bird. its gonna take time and patients but it can and will happen it might take a lot of advice from other Grey owners but it will happen. Tyco was the biggest scardy bird I know when I first brought her home but now she's not afraid of very much she still hates the camera and every now and then I have to remind her to be a brave girl that there is nothing to be afraid of and that I would never let anything bad happen to her. She seems to understand because once I say be brave thats my girl she settles down. lots of talking to him tell him what your going to do before you do it no matter how small and he soon will be a brave boy like Tyco



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Sorry I don't have the time to read all the posts on this thread.... BUT


With any sort of bleeding (human or Avian), if there is a lot of blood coming out pressure must be applied to the wound to help stop the bleeding. This can be done with a dressing (any thing clean) and hold the dressing down. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT not to lose a lot of blood. a loss of 3 cups of blood from a human is fatal. Not sure about the amount of blood loss needed to cause death to a bird, but I am sure it is a small amount.

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Guest Skuffy

Hello Mary..Same here,,sorry to hear your Vet is a pure idiot,i sure would be writing a letter To your Loacal AMERICAN VETERINARY SOCIETY....Hope Echo gets better quick..Id place his food bowls on his walk tray and a very low Perch,with plenty of cage time..And my New Vet Bill would be going to my Nasty Vet,who caused all this.......{Nature-00020095}

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Mary big hugs to you and Echo. I feel so badly for you guys. I hope het gets better soon.


As for him flying off at anything, one of the things I do with Bella when I know she might make a jump for it - I hold her up against my chest and kind of shield her. Then we take a look at the situation she's aprehensive of, and I stroke her little head and talk to her while we "investigate" the situation. I can tell when she's ok wiht it because she gets curious again and tries to get a better look. Other times I might have her on my hand and kind of gently hold her feet with my thumb. This is the trick when I want to put her in her cage for bed time. She tries to stay up with me :laugh:

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Hey Mary and Echo ,

Hope all is calmer this morning .

Hopefully the advice and reply from Bobbi Brinker helps Echo and is a positive step in the right direction . Great advice and so kind of her to take the time .

Have a wonderful weekend .



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Good Morning,

My husband and I are sitting here with the fishing guide waiting to see if the rain is going to stop.

You never fail to amaze me. How do you know her? I printed out the article so my husband could read it too.

I know I've said this before and will probably say in many times in the future. You do not know how much I appreciate the time and just the fact that you care for Echo and myself.

Well I'm being called. You have a great weekend too.

Hugs back!


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