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Don' Know What To Do? Advise Quicklly


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This is Echo's mom. About two weeks ago I had Echo to a new vet due to us moving to a different area. When it can time for them to towel him the tech spooked him and he flew down on the floor and cut his chest. The vet said it was just minor and she would just glue it. I just went over to talk with him and he is bleeding from that area. I called that vet's office and they told me they were really busy and they want me to leave him. First of all his travel cage is not very large and they said it maybe two or more hours before the vet can see him. I Don't feel comfortable doing that after what happened. Please advise quickly!


Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/06/19 17:41<br><br>Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/06/19 17:41

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Firstly don't apply any clotting powder/flour to the chest area, if the bleeding is a constant flow with a clean towel etc.. apply gently pressure to the cut,it should clot within 5 minutes.If the bleeding doesn't stop you need to take him to stright to the vet,if you are unhappy leaving him then stay,it is because of their incompetence that he has the wound & i would tell them you need to stay with him,rather they causing him unnecessary stress.

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I know that this is not going to make a lot of you happy but I have not "toweled" him before and don't know how. I am here by myself and don't want to try and hurt him any more. I'm so afraid he will fly down on it and make it worst. I am trying to find another vet in this area. Please keep your fingers crossed. If I can't find another vet I will go and plop myself in their faces until they see him.

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Is this a certified avian vet or just a vet who sees birds? Either way, if it were me, I'd be having another vet take a look because after that I certainly wouldn't want to leave him behind and I'd send that other vet the bill!

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He will "step up" on my hand-no problem. Maybe I wasn't ever clear. lovemygreys suggested I put presure on the cut so it would clot. I put him on my lap and tried to turn him on his back so I could get a better look. No way- no way - no way. I know I have to learn this for him but right now I don't think I can do it.

The vet is an avian vet and has several parrots of her own. I know one is a cockatoo because he is there in the office I not sure about the others.

I cannot find another vet locally and my vet from where I moved is on vacation. I will be at this vet's office at 1:00 when they get back for lunch. And sit there all day if I have too.<br><br>Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/06/19 18:26

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I'm the worst speller in the world I just type what I have to say and hope everyone gets it. Iagree go and sit at there office and make sure you remind the vet that this cut was their fault they should fix it for free and if the bird is bleeding that badly they will see him right away as it is an emergency. Birds can bleed out quite quickly.If its just bleeding a little bit he's not in to much danger but they should still fix what they have broken



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Well everyone I just got back from the vet's. I had a 3:00pm appointment (or so I thought).It is now 31/2 hours later. When I first got there they put us in a exam room where Echo and I waited for an hour. At the time the tech (the one who was incompetant to begin with) tells me that the only way the vet would see him is if I let them take him back to the emergency area and when she could she would check him out. They wanted me to leave him!!! I told her that her office had called me and gave me the 3:00 pm. appointment because the vet was concerned and wanted to see him so they changed the schedule around. She pulled a face and said I'm telling you what the dr said, what do you want to do.

I was about ready to pull her hair out but kept my cool.:angry: :angry: I counted to about 100 and then told her okay, but please be careful taking him out of his cage because he feaks out and I've been working with him on not doing that. She then told me that they were trained techs and knew what they were doing! Well I looked at her and said you're the one that made him get hurt in the first place. At the point she dropped Echo's carrier on the floor and stomped out. I was doing all I could to kept it together. The next thing I know the sec was telling me that the doctor felt because of my lack of trust in her staff I had to go elsewhere. She called another vet that told her he could see him and for me to bring him there. I was really proud of myself, I didn't end up in jail for assault. I went to the other hospital and saw the doctor there that wasn't even an avian vet but was studying under the vet that was. At this point I just wanted someone to look at him and tell him he would be okay. He did just that and cleaned it with an iodine solution. In his exam he did find another cut higher on his chest. I was shocked because I didn't even see any blood there. But he showed me and sure enough. I told you all how scared he was of everything and flies off my hand at the slightless thing. He has a play area on my desk for when I'm on the computer with toys and everything. Last night I got up to get some paper towels, my desk can get a little messy :) and he flew down to where I was. All I can think of is that had to be when he cut his chest again. I tell you I am at my wits end. I have to clean both areas twice a day with that iodine solution for probably two weeks -no problem, I would do anything for this guy. I just don't know what to do about him flying at the slightest thing.:( Well guys that is how my afternoon went. Echo is now sleeping in his "home" Poor little guy he really does need some rest.

Catch you all later.<br><br>Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/06/20 01:27

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OMG!!! I can not believe that the vet kicked you out...all you did was state a fact!!! I would make sure the word got out about that. I'm proud of you too because I would be sitting in a cell right now if I was you. :woohoo: :silly: :pinch:


Well, it sounds like the vet you went to was pretty good because he gave you aftercare instructions and has you cleaning the cuts.


I'll have to get pictures of how we towel the birds at my work...and trust me your Echo would prob. be a peace of cake compaired to some of the birds we get in for trims. If I'm not busy tomorrow I'll get one of the baby birds that doesn't mind the towel to pose for pics!B)

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OH MY GOSH! What an awful experience. When they talk about human doctors -there is a concept of 'bedside manner' - that means etiquette; ensuring your patient is spoken to well, comfortable etc.

This vet has absolutely no social decorum! Instead of coming to speak to you and getting your side of the story, apologising for the cut, reassuring you - you received nothing of that. Geez. I'd be writing a letter of complaint to that vet and telling everyone who the vet was. That is really awful. It was obvious you and your baby were distressed, and the staff there should have recognised that and reassured you rather than aggravate the situation.

Uh, I'm so cheesed off with them-whoever they were! :angry:


Anyway, now that's off my chest - the main thing is that you are both ok now. Give your baby lots of treats and special attention-he deserves it!


All the best for your recovery :)



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Hi Mary,

I am so sorry about Echo and the bad experience with the vet .How angry I would have been.

I have no experience with this type of situation, but perhaps Echo could spend a little more time in his cage where he would be safe to prevent another injury .Just a suggestion.

I will be thinking about you both.

Kind Regards,Mary

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Thanks for the update prrthead.



You did great in controlling yourself. I probably would have lost it completely when you said the "Tech" dropped the Crate. If your Grey was in it, that was a shocking jolt completely undeserved. That is the most horrific story of poor customer service and incompetence I have heard in a long time. The customer and the Patient are always to be the "Top" priority, not individuals Egos. We know more about handling OUR Parrots than any vet tech or doctor. Everyone has their own likes. dislikes and BITE reflexes to different situations.


I would probably go after the vet for damages on the busted/cut keel for a full refund of all monies plus 1000 for mental and physical harm caused to the Grey and you.


If that is the norm for that Vet clinic, it is a very BAD one.


I am so happy to hear the other vet was congenial, pleasant and competent in getting your Grey and you patched up and sent off with good instructions. :-)

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Hi Mary,

You are right on with that advise. The vet and I talked about the very same thing. I read somewhere most likely here at the forum about putting a towel at the bottom of the cage just in case he does fall off a perch or from the side of the cage. That was one of the first things I did when we got home. Staying in his cage will be hard on him and myself not being with me and everything when I'm home. I know it is for the best! I put his playstation in another room so he couldn't see it.

Again thank you all for being here for me.

Mary and Echo and of course Zoe :)

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Mary ,

I understand it will be hard on Echo , but safer for him , as you know .Another thing did the vet suggest lowering his perches ?

Perhaps you could try being where he is just while this is going on , the things we do for our birds .

Anyway , I do hope he heals quickly .I also hope you are doing better, you have been through so much .

Kind Regards , keep us posted ,


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He didn't suggest lowering his perches I did that on my own. As we talked about, Echo spooks really easy so I wasn't going to take the chance. I know what you mean about doing things for our pets. I had a little Yorkie that developed diabeties and went nearly blind. I had to give her insulin twice a day and also test her just like a human. Her name was "Buffet" after Jimmy Buffett the leader of us parrotheads:lol: She lived a little over a year with her illness before she finally passed.

Now we have two boxers, Katie and Charlie. When Katie was alittle under a year old we had to have surgery done on her hip. The bone that fits into her pulvic bone (I think that's right) had torn away. My personal vet did not do that type of surgery so we had to go to Orlando to have it done. It took Katie 12 weeks to recover. Someone had to be with her 24/7 for the first two weeks, she could only go outside on her leash just long enough for her to do her business and then back in the house. My home then had all tile floors so we had to go out and buy I forget how many area rugs to cover the tile so she wouldn't slip. After many trips to Orlando to have her progress checked, Katie nows runs and plays with the best of them. No one would know that baby has a steel plate holding her bone in the right place with steel pins.

So yes Mary we go through whatever it takes for our four legged "children" and now my "feather" child. This with Echo is a walk in the park for me:) As for myself, a long soak in the tub and a glass of wine does wonders. Thank you for asking.

I will keep you posted.


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Re: the first vet. Who does he think he is, the Wizard of Oz whom no one can speak to directly! I'm the first one to give somebody the benefit of the doubt, knowing everyone has a bad day that might spill over into their interations with the public, but the fact that it was the same tech both times suggests there's a bigger problem here. If she dropped the crate with Echo inside of it she should have been disciplined at the very least, if not fired or suspended. Our animals are traumatized enough just going into a vet's office. Being oblivious to a bird's well-being to protect her own ego is very nearly unforgiveable. I might not have been able to stop myself from going over, picking her up and dropping her! Good for you for keeping your temper and making Echo's immediate health and safety your first priority.


Just as Dan said, I would be very tempted to go after that office for your expenses. Send him a registered letter, marked Private and Confidential, explaining everything that happened and giving him the benefit of the doubt that perhaps he wasn't fully informed about everything that happened. I might even give him a reasonable time frame during which you will wait to hear back from him, with a politely worded phrase like, If I don't hear from you (not his office staff or his techs) during this time, I may unfortunatly have to pursue other options ro resolve my situation.


As for your little grey baby, I hope this is his last vet visit for a long time! I know you don't feel safe putting him on an open playstand, but what about a smaller enclosed cage on a stand that he could stay in just to be with you if you're going to be in a room other than the one where his normal cage is. I have such a cage, which I intended to use for a sleep cage, but right now it works well if I want to take Dorian outside with me or upstairs for a couple of hours. It's big enough for him to have a good stretch in, but small enough I can pick it up and move it with him in it (although that's not his favourite experience!)


Anyway, cyber hugs from me to you, and cyber kisses to Echo. Hope you all have a very good weekend!

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