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Head shaking


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What do you mean by shaking? Forward and backward when you're talking to him or near him? Does he seem nervous when he does that? Is a constant thing that goes on all day long. Do you mean that he's bobbing his head? Is he playing when he does that?

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Dave you are so funny ....I know you are being serious but when I read what you wrote , I almost fell over laughing , I don't know why, it just struk me as being funny.

Sorry Nell , didnt mean to be disrespectful to the question .

Nell my Grey Sammy does this also not all of the time just some. My Avian Vet says some Greys just do this .He says there is no explanation . However I have noticed usually he only does it when he is nervous.Sammy's is almost like a nervous twit.Is that a word ? Hope you know what I mean .


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I just worry a little, but if it's not looking good I will try my vet. He does not apear ill. So I will wait and see what he does. Thanks any way, I didn't take any offence, Nothing wrong just your way to try to find out whats wrong with my gray. Thanks for the help.

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Hi there all, I have been on the site before but my email changed, so I forgot my password, so I could not retrieve it. And so I am trying again. My parrot’s name is Kimi. I will send something’s of him later. See ya.:)

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Some parrots, particularly African greys, shake their heads as if there's water in the ears. No one really knows why they do this, and it seems to be normal. If your bird does it excessively it may be a sign of an ear or nasal infection, im sure your baby is fine .

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I catch my Josey shaking her head sometimes and I see a tiny down feather on her head somewhere, she is trying to dislodge that feather so that is one reason they do it, but like Tracy suggested, if its excessive I would have him checked out by an avian vet.:dry:

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Harry does this aswell my vet said its just like a habit or twitch, he did it alot more when i first got him 5 months ago to now. He also does this loads when he is throwing his juicy grape from one side to the other into a wall! i could swear he does this on purpose!

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When I first got Tyco I worried about that also because she always shake her head like that. I talked to my vet about it and she said that they hear differently then we do and some time the different pitches will effect them and they will shake their heads its normal they can't help it Tyco still does it quite a bit when I'm talking to her or if the tv is on.



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