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Why is salt bad for birds?


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Well i dont have technical terms either just good old common sense, and i do know that parrots cannot excrete sodium efficiently ( sodium chloride / Salt )so any excess consumption is not advisable for your birds health.

Can i ask why you would need a scientific reply ?

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Well , they can't excret salt , that sounds pretty technical to me . If I ate salt and my body couldnt get rid of it , that would be good enough for me .I can't wait to see what Dan or Dave have to offer . This will be good.Besides why would you want to give them something they don't get in the wild ?


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Why is salt bad for parrots?


Simply put,the first and most important thing to know is that parrots cannot excrete salt the way humans can, so highly salted treats such as chips and french fries ( also extremely high in the fat content),salted peanuts should not be fed. Also avoid foods high in fat. Bacon is high on the salt list because pigs are given lots of salt to produce a soft types of meat such as the ribs. The reason a person can get baby back ribs is because when cooked, the fat surrounding the meat stays on the meat for a while until it melts and softens the meat. Even bacon can't be thoroughly cooked in order to remove the fat. The meat is left with a high amount of salt as is all other pork products.


An add on----some people who have heart problems or are prone to heart problems because it runs in the family are told to eat a low salt diet because it causes hardening of the arteries.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/18 00:38

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Salt is not much worse for birds than it is for you and me (humans). Anything in excess is potentially bad, salt included. It is true that birds kidneys are not as efficient at removing salt as our system, but salt is not toxic to birds in moderation. They certainly can and do process it. No need for panic here. Below is a link to a fairly good article, with some scientific info but not too technical.


http://thetameparrot.com/blog/2007/12/09/salt-in-bird-diet/<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/06/18 08:52

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Dave , thank you , however I knew that . I agree , as I had posted also Salt isnt excreted by birds . Why would one want to give salty food to a parrot anyway ? Sure they like it , it's like having a two year old . You don't give them things that would harm them . It doesnt take science to understand, just good common sense.We are much larger than a parrot , so I apologize but I don't see the connection comparing amounts of salt given to a human and a parrot.The point being they do not excrete salt , should be enough .

Kind Regards ,


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Hi all,


I want to be sure people do not misunderstand as I repeatedly see in this thread "birds do not excrete salt". This information is wrong. The biology of a bird absolutely provides a mechanism to excrete salt. No doubt about it. Its simply that they do not excrete it as efficiently as humans. Salt is required for birds to live, just like you and me. If they are low on salt there are all kinds of health problems. Too much salt also equals health problems. Again, its all about balance and yes, we do need to condisder a birds physical size to be sure we do not equate amounts OK for us humans as OK for the much smaller bird body. The bottom line is if you do not want to feed your birds salty junk food then dont! ;) But there is no need to panic if they eat a few salty chips once in a while and some people choose to offer them as treats in a controlled manner, which is probably just fine! I do, and we have for our Amazon now for over 40 years. B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/06/18 17:06

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Hello Dbhelix, I think we all understand what you are saying . The original post was not To give or not to give salt . The post was why is salt bad for birds .You are correct that salt is not bad , they do excrete small amounts of salt in their diet.That is speaking of healthy amounts of salt in their diet. Salt is dangerous to anyone and anything in high amounts.If there is an overload of salt in the kidney , then the parrot will be in high risk for kidney damage .There is salt in everything , especially water .So yes it is OK to give a chip once in a while , but never in excess.It would not be safe to say that salt is OK , due to the fact that some people would have no limitations .How would one know the limit for their bird ?Anything that would harm them in high levels should have a warning label on it , don't you think ? It is our role as caretakers to monitor their wellbeing .

Thank you for the post , however who is the author of the artical on salt ? Is this person a respected diatician for parrots who is backed by an avian vet ? Sorry I have questions , not doubting , just curious.



Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/18 19:29<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/18 19:41

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