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Hi Fellow Grey Lovers,


I have had an african grey since March of 05. I think she is going through her first molt but I can't really tell if she is picking them our or letting them fall out naturally? I have looked and looked online to try to find pictures of an african grey during a molt and it's almost impossible or I'm not searching the right places. She just had her yearly at her avian certified vet back in October and everything was fine... So I'm baffled by the sudden loss of feathers. Her head looks really scruffy. I have put a couple of humidfiers througout the house and just wondering if someone could help me out with a picture or some friendly advice.

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I hope this doesn't come over very dumb, but FandFWLucee - how exactly would she be able to pluck on the feathers of her head? I also think it must be molt....

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