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Now I'm totally paranoid


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How does one protect their beloved from all the possible toxins they can be exposed to?. I've been reading another site on this topic and the sad stories of parrot deaths due to toxins are alarming. Tomorrow, I'm replacing all my teflon coated cookware. I'm still worried about my cooktop though. I'm also getting rid of all the potpourie around the house. And candles... I have tons of candles but have not used any since getting Cheerio about 3 weeks ago. Are any candles dangerous or only the scented ones? Could the smoke from a match harm my bird? Also, we grill often and sometimes I can smell the charcoal in the family room which has a door that leads to the deck. The family has been told not to spray anything in the same room as Cheerio but I'm worried that even in another room, the fumes could harm her. What about a wood burning fireplace? I've read that others have not had problems with gas fireplaces. I'm so freaked out! Some advice please!

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Hello wastrox,


You are making the right choice in getting rid of any Teflon cookware. The scented candles are also reported by some to cause problems. Potpourri is normally made of natural items with god smells. the only issue here would be ingestion of it by your parrot as it could be poisonous.


Mary provided a good link on dangers and poisons.


You are just like a new mother with her first child. We all have gone through that. Your doing great and reacting normally as we all did as we studied and learned of all the hazards to watch out for. :-)

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