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A Summary of Klaus noises


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He's going to talk any second now, I know it!

(In fact, over the weekend I was told he said Good Bird again, of course while I wasn't in the room.)

Here are all the cool noises he does:


Cat Fight (Cracks me up! Then we tell him he's a bad kitty, and he looks very proud of himself.)


The Dog Next Door (Thought it WAS the dog next door for the longest time. Recently put it together that the dog isn't out there right now, and the barking is coming from Klaus' direction - LOL)


Brother in law's alarm clock - (picture the bro in laws puzzled expression as he heads down the hall to see why his alarm is going off at this hour)


The Door Closing (Squeeeeeaaaak - click, click)


Water dripping


A squirrel


Lots of different whistles


What cool noises do your birds make?

(Or for the talking ones - what silly stuff are they saying?)

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LOL Laura - Those are Hilarious!! :-)


Dayo noises:


LOUD BANG - Nail Gun from contruction done on house....I guess it left an impression. ;-)


Phone ring - come and get me


Door Knock


Water trickling


Wolf Whistle


Pretty whistle


Mocking bird - From those surrounding our house singing day and night


Dog Bark


Whistles - I make to call the dogs to come and eat


Cell phone answer tomes


Cartoon sound - of something falling


Me laughing :-)


Says - Hello, What are you doing?, GOOD BOY, Wanna go outside?, Water, make Coffee, Crystal (grand daughters name), Go get in the Pool and a bunch of stuff being mumbled I can't quite make out yet.

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Guest Skuffy

Here's Max's Words..


Phone..rings 3xthen says hello..Beep..answermachine




Hello good boy


Max is a good boy


Parks a Truck..Reverse Beep...(delivery truck at Pet shop)


Come on.




wolf wistle,


My voice Hello what you doing










345 He won't say 1.2.3


Ohhhhhhhhhhh what you doing..


Theres many more I can't think..he's funny when he starts tho,,I can really talk to him and he answers me..B)

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Well, this morning I was brushing my cat Jac's coat (long hair shedding nightmare). When I get to his back leg 'pants' and his tail, he always starts whining, like he's undergoing some slow torture. When he starts I tell him "oh stop!" This morning the whining began and from the peanut gallery I hear "oh stop" Now for the whole morning he's been stuck in an "oh stop, ooops, what cha doing?" loop!

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LOL Acapella! :-)


Last night, Dayo said a new phrase he hears all the time. My wife (Kim) walked in the house, Dayo looked at her and said "GO POOP!" then looked down to see if she followed the command. :-)


It guess he thought he would see if that "Command" worked on us too!!

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Oh yea Tyco's got a few new ones this morning she started singing I think it started out to be ow ee ow

uh uh bing bang walla walla bing bang but she was singing her own words in there also like comon stepup and love you pretty baby ow ee ow uh love me in your house I laghed so hard because she try so hard to sing so nice and it sound like she tone deaf



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I've been woken up every morning for the last couple of weeks to the Great Escape theme tune that Biggle's has managed to perfect. :laugh:


He's now also saying:

Good boy

Pretty boy


Iggle Piggle



Whatcha doin

and he sings... In the windowwww (I keep singing how much is that doggy in the window to him, replacing the word doggy for parrot but he hasn't managed that one yet lol)



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