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how can i teach my grey to get use to a play stand


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Make sure you have some treats your Grey likes and sit him on the stand. Also, have some little toys for him to play with too if possible.


If he flies to you, just take him back over and set him back down on the stand.

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Hi Devilangel09- Your grey may need to be in the same room with the stand for awhile before actually putting him on it. Let him see it from across the room and slowly move him closer, a little closer each day. Since they are prey animals fear is a natural response to something unknown. You can also put him down somewhere other than the stand and go to the stand yourself and touch it and act like you are having fun playing around it. Their natural curiosity will eventually win out and then they will figure out it isn't something that will harm them. Best of luck to you.

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We had our stand for about 4 months before Klaus started going on it willingly. It's next to his cage, so when he's having "out time" he likes to mosey over there. I fill the cups with little toys and he LOVES to pull every toy out!

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I had my stand next to Charlies cage for abou 2 months and he was the same, I always made sure to give him treats and put his favourite toys on there as well. It will take time but once your grey learns it can be a fun place to hang out im sure he will enjoy it. Caroline.

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  • 3 months later...

HI, I am new here, but the thing I did with my bird, which was abused in the past and has severe fear issues is, I chopped a branch off a pear tree and tied it the the play stand. He loves it. He plays in the branches all day and they are mixed right around the fake branches of the play stand. I tied toys in the branches too and he chews on them a bit too. When I figure out the pic thing, I will post one of him on his tree. Judy told me how to do it, but I tried and can't. I will get my son to do it when he gets home. If you do try the branch thing, of course make sure it is a bird safe branch.<br><br>Post edited by: daludlum, at: 2008/09/25 03:49

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  • 8 months later...

woaw nice green wing and what a big tree and do you keep ur grey with your macaw because i tryed putting both my grey and my uncles eclectus on my shoulder but my grey was scared even tho the eclectus is the frendiliest bird ever

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I got Whisper a HUGE playstand. I could never get her to go on it even after months of being in the same room. I got her a smaller manzanita one and it only took a month of being in the same room with it before she would go on it. The Cockatoo now has the huge one and loves it.


Even though Whisper would go on the manzita tree stand she never really seemed comfortable with it. So I got another cage just like the one she sleeps in and is in another room and use it in the living room as her daytime playstand. She loves it. I put a lot of toys on the outside of this one and she climbs all over it and plays.

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I love the pear tree your birds must have so much fum I have a white Alder branch like that its out side drying out at the moment after a good srub with 1part bleach to 10 parts water so now I have to wait a few days for it to dry compleatly

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