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I'm so excited


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Tyco just came over out of blue and perched herself on my shoulder. I can't beleive this. I think she Trust me finally. I'm so flabbergasted right now I can hardly type. I tried to put her back on her cage but she wouldn't go she wants to be with me. I starting to wonder where this bird came from Its certinly isn't the same biting off balance scared bird that I brought home months ago. This is just to great for words I have a permenent smile at the moment. What a wonderful bird I have



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I know isn't this just wonder full I can't wait to see what happens next Its so hard to beleive that this is the same scared bird with barbered feathers and biteing everyone and so stressed out that I brought home 8months ago and now she's this friendly full feathered bird that love to play and be near me. Its only been 8 months I really can't wait to see what she will be like a year from now. If this is what a little love and patience can do then I totally recomend anyone who has lots of patience and time to concider a rescue or a rehomed bird. It is so rewarding to watch these birds transform into loveing confident well adjusted beings. I swear if you saw this bir when I got her there is no way that you would think that this was the same bird there is such a drastic difference in such a short time I can't wait to see what happens next I think just about anything is possible now. She also has started taking food from my hand now where as before she would take it but then drop it imediatly. Now she takes it and eats it. She's hooked on bing cherry's and chicken :laugh:



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