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Full Spectrum Lighting


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honestly what you can do, (worked for me but you may have to alter it a bit) is go to your local pet store and get those usually black dome shaped lamps (no bulbs) they have for use over reptile enclosures, they have a couple different sizes so check which one you need) then ,go and buy a UV bulb that fits that lamp. now securing the lamp is a bit tricky (i happened to have shelving units next to the cagfe and clipped it on to that) but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than some of the specific fixtures made for birds also a lot smaller thus less scary than some of these big floor lamp models. also, the inside some of these lamps give off an after glow from all the light/heat they collect during the day and when the lamp is on, which acts as a nice soft nightlight, helpful for soothing nervous greys in my opinion. srry i can't recommend brands seeing as i'm in canada

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I'm looking for smaller bulb time that I can buy that way I can put it in a lamp next to the cage - her cage set up wont allow me to hang it above. Can I just put two bulbs in a normal lamp light? sorry to sound ignorant just want to make sure I do it correct

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The bulbs need to be Avian bulbs , not reptile or regular light bulbs . This is really something to check into , one person was talking about using the wrong type of bulb(light) and it burnt the birds eye.So there are requirements on types of bulbs and how far above the cage they need to be .Judy provided a link to visit for information .


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i wouldn't hang it from above even if you could.. looks too much like a big scary overhead predator to a grey. now if the lamp your talking about looks something like a floor lamp with a cone shaped head than no, you can't. most lamps actually i don't think you can. actual bulb size in terms of uv bulbs don't matter much except in terms of effectiveness at distances, ie. a bulb of a certain wattage only radiates uv a certain distance, but it's not like the bigger bulbs some how give your bird 'more' uv, do you have a picture of the lamp set-up you're considering, everyone might be able to help you more if you did.

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We use full spectrum lighting...it hangs from the ceilng above her cage. It doesn't scare Harrison at all. But, we had it there even before she came to us. We use those really long light tubes...I don't know what they're called...My husband got all the supplies to 'do it yourself' at Home Depot.

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I use full spectrum lighting suspended from the ceiling also, built and installed by myself, as you can see in the link Judy supplied.


The choice of the correct "Full Spectrum" Lamp (Fluorescent) is critical and not many out there claiming to be "Avian" lamps are actually producing the UVA and UVB in levels perceptible or beneficial to your Grey or other Parrots.


NEVER buy a "UV" lamp and shine it on your Greys Cages. It is not the correct light spectrum nor the correct output level for a bird of any type. They are strictly for reptiles. They can also cause blindness in your bird.


By very cautious and do your homework before running out an purchasing an avian lamp and fixture. :-)

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Well your welcome Mary. :-)


There is a TON of misinformation out there on the web and of course every website that sells "Avian" Lamps and fixtures claims they have the "Best", which is Hogwash.


Very few provide the Full Spectrum needed by a bird of any type to benefit from the UVA and UVB output that their extend vision capabilities take advantage of.


If you have a window you can open with the screen still in place, your birds will thank you immensely for the flood of full or even shaded sunlight, which contains more UVA and UVB along with all the rest of the spectrum beneficial to your bird.


If there in a sunlight deficient spot, then you need to figure out a way to provide full-spectrum lighting or take them outside in there cage or on a harness.


Ok, off my soap box now and back to work. :laugh: B)

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Dan , which light do you recomend?

I want to make sure I have the correct one myself. Mine is an Avian .....This is a topic where there is tons of misleading information and if one isnt careful , they can really mess up their birds eyes.

Mary :)<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/17 21:15

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I constructed my own, as detailed in the http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/african-grey/47809-lighting.html thread.


I did all the research and analysis and came to the conclusion that the Phillips TL950 Fluorescent were the closest match in Avian requirements when it comes to a Fluorescent ceiling fixture.


The Compact Fluorescents you find in the Stand type fixtures are less effective and some not at all.


If I were to recommend a stand (which I would not due to shining from the side instead of the top) I would say one of the following bulbs are minimally "ok"... better than a normal household fluorescent:



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Dan thank you again - I want to go ahead and order that but thinking whats the difference between that floor lamp and a regular one I'd be able to get from lowes? I want to angle it over her cage but like that I can fold it down when I'm home. Is it just the bulb that screws in?

Does that kit you gave the link for include the bulb or that needs to be purchased also?

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Hi hocke230,


The link was just for reference. I looked it back up and it is only for the fixture and the "Light" must be purchased seperately. If you have a stand or fixture already that you are going to angle down toward the cage, then make sure the bulb type you order will fit the socket. That would be fine.


Betty - Glad to know I am saving birds "one eye" anyway that the lights are shining sideways in on. ;-)


Some will need to teach their Parrots to say "Hi I'm one-eyed Jack" ;-) B)

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