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Cage/Cag PIcture and some basic ?'s


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Wanted to post some pictures of her first day home, I've since changed around the cage to more what she wanted - but she still isn't all that interested in her toys, rather just sit on top and watch tv.


I would highly recommend this cage was only 189 + 100 shipping - I can send the link to anyone if interested.


Shes really is good being handled just likes to keep her beak on you either rubbing or lightly snipping think shes still feeling me out as a hand perch - I'm also finding it difficult getting her attention with treats (during training time) as all she wants is peanuts. She also hasn't spoke since I took her home - where she was chatting all the time in her previous home, anyone have this happen?

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She will speak when she feels more comfortable, it takes time for them to settle down in a new home so be patient and I am sure she will be more vocal.B)


Thanks for sharing some pictures of her and I especially like the last one, it looks like you are holding her up with your big toe.:lol:

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It's normal for parrots to beak a new hand, and as long as she isn't getting too rough then don't discurage it. Seeing as though she is in a new house with new people she won't be too focused on treats, she is more into who is doing what and what is going on around her. If she talked before she will again. She probably just doesn't know you well enough to talk in front of you yet.

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