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does my parrot look fat??


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Try to persuade your dad to maybe let you have the playstand up, this way he would have time out and the mess wouldnt be a problem. Could it be moved into another room when its not in use or maybe a garage if you have one. I admit they can take up quite a bit of room but really are an essential for your bird especially if he is clipped. Get your dad to come on the forum and I will have a little word in his ear (only joking) I hope you can sort something out because you obviously love your bird and want the best for him. Caroline

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Sorry have only just caught up with this thread.The others have offered great advice.Please try & introduce some fruit & veggies into your greys diet,a little fozen (thawed ) veg will do & some fruit,the sunflower will do him no good in the long run.A little cheese but only in moderation, it's not to good for them even tho they all love it.If you have pasta,rice,etc.. for your dinners try offering your grey a little just for a change.

If you are not allowed the playstand up in the living room as Caroline suggests is there somewhere you could put it up, say your bedroom, then you could take your grey out & spend some time with him,he really needs to spend time out of his cage.How often do you manage to get him out ?

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judygram wrote:

Well you should be able to look around and find somewhere that will allow your birds but I know how you feel, they are part of your life now and like your children, you probably aren't old enough for them but thats how we feel about our greys and other birds.


I wish you luck and keep us updated, I see you have been a member for over a year but you haven't posted much, stay in touch and we can help you thru this difficult time in your life. Us grey owners have to stick together, no one else understands how we feel about our "babies":kiss:


yeah im only 19. when i first move to essex from london i couldnt take demon with us so i had to leave him at my mums for quite a while cause we stayed in a caravan. and i when i saw him again it just made me feel as though i abandoned him and that he hated me for it. i dont want that to happen again.

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casper wrote:

Try to persuade your dad to maybe let you have the playstand up, this way he would have time out and the mess wouldnt be a problem. Could it be moved into another room when its not in use or maybe a garage if you have one. I admit they can take up quite a bit of room but really are an essential for your bird especially if he is clipped. Get your dad to come on the forum and I will have a little word in his ear (only joking) I hope you can sort something out because you obviously love your bird and want the best for him. Caroline


i have text him about it and still awaiting a reply from him. he isnt clipped.

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Hello. Dorian is also in a carpeted room. My solution to the poop problem was to buy heavy clear vinyl (I got mine here in Canada at a fabric store) The vinyl makes clean-up easy, and because it's clear it doesn't really interfere with the rooms' look. Mind you, as he gets less and less cage bound we've had a few accidents, but your guy will probably not want to get too far away from his safe cage for a while, by which time you might have your own place.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Sorry have only just caught up with this thread.The others have offered great advice.Please try & introduce some fruit & veggies into your greys diet,a little fozen (thawed ) veg will do & some fruit,the sunflower will do him no good in the long run.A little cheese but only in moderation, it's not to good for them even tho they all love it.If you have pasta,rice,etc.. for your dinners try offering your grey a little just for a change.

If you are not allowed the playstand up in the living room as Caroline suggests is there somewhere you could put it up, say your bedroom, then you could take your grey out & spend some time with him,he really needs to spend time out of his cage.How often do you manage to get him out ?


he does have the occasional fruit n veg. he doesnt like cheese ive tried him with it a couple of times and he takes a bite and chucks it. i did try a few times before having him on a healthier diet but he never touched it all he ate were the few sunflower seeds. i cant have him out in my room at this moment in time as i have budgies breeding in there and they obviously fear him. tbh he hardly ever comes out although when i do get him out without my dad knowing. all i have to do is say "in" to demon and he goes back into his cage. aswell as that when i have him out and mostly on my arm his nails tend to dig in deep and he hates sleeves and gloves. i can handle him on my hand for short periods

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Sorry my mistake. I have a playstand in both rooms and they both like to chill out on there. Its neutral ground for them both as well and you will probably find this a better place to start training again away from his cage. Lets hope your dad texts back soon and it will be good news. Please make sure you do keep us updated with any progress you make or when you eventually move. Also let us know if your dad warms up to the idea of more time out of the cage. Caroline

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If you can possibly get him a new perch,a sandy one or cement perch this will file his nails down so there not so sharp on you.I cant stress & i know it is difficult with your dad but he really needs to spend time out,i dont know who brought the grey but it is a commitment owning one , time out of the cage is something you must give him for his own health & sanity,it is really not fair to keep him caged :(

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lovemyGreys wrote:

If you can possibly get him a new perch,a sandy one or cement perch this will file his nails down so there not so sharp on you.I cant stress & i know it is difficult with your dad but he really needs to spend time out,i dont know who brought the grey but it is a commitment owning one , time out of the cage is something you must give him for his own health & sanity,it is really not fair to keep him caged :(


i begged my dad to buy him for me for my birthday. if i hadnt then he would be suffering alot more believe me. his previous owner kept him covered up all day :o and only went into the cage to feed and water him he was also in a small round cage with no toys either all this because he constantly growled at the site of people and any going near him. would he be better off living in those conditions???? (never seeing daylight or getting out of the cage)


demon has come a long way since then and is indeed alot happier. he no longer growls at the site of people he likes the occasional stroke talks and gives kisses. plus more.

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I wasn't attacking you, I'm just saying & in your own words he rarely comes out,yes you have no doubt saved him from an awful life & im sure he has come along way with you, but for his health & sanity you know need to look at improving his diet & allowing him time out of the cage.Provide him with some foraging toys in his cage to stimulate him,hide a treat in an old loo roll wrapped in some paper, you dont need to spend money, there are many items at home you can use.

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You obviously love your bird very much and want the best for hmm. Try your best to get your own place as soon as you can and in the mean time if you have to take demon into the bathroom to spend at least a hour or so a day with him then do that your bird will be grateful for it. and get him of sunflower seeds they are not good for him just keep giving him lot of different fruits and veggie try cooked and mashed veggitable searved warm African Grey somethimes prefer them that way.



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I just found this thread and you have really gotten some good advise. Like Tycos_mom just said, the bathroom can be a great place for your grey to hang out. My grey Elmo loves to spend time on the shower curtain. I would take the curtain down first if you don't want it chewed on though.:laugh: :silly: :P


Try mixing in some Safflower seeds and see if he likes those. They have less fat than the Sunflower seeds and most birds that lie sunflower seeds like them too.

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it just seemed like you did sorry i was probably just tiered aswell. any way as i not long ago said that my dad said i can set the playstand up again once we get a visit from some one. dont have a shower here just a bath lol and demon is indeed huge.


any tips on teaching him to go on the playstand??

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What you need to do is set the stand up in the same room as your grey to get him used to it first, I did this and it took a while before he was curious and brave enough to go on there while I coaxed him with a favourite treat. If you manage to change your greys diet you could use the sunflower seeds just for treats maybe. Saying this my second grey went on there no problems but I think yours may be a bit nervous with not having much time out. Great news though you must be pleased about the stand. With all the advice to offer on here I think this will all work out if you put the time into this. We are here to help anytime and will offer support when you need it. It might be a long road but you will get there.Caroline:)

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thats not gonna be possible to set it up in the room he is in because the room is to small for the stand we have. when i tried him on it a few times before he did indeed fear it if i tried putting him on it he would fly anywhere to get away from it. and if anyone accidentally knocked it he would freak.

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Devilangel09- You could also try putting newspaper down on the floor whenever you let him out- this will catch the mess and can easily be thrown away when he is done being out of the cage. Or towels, and you can just throw them in the washing machine when done. They can be very messy, but having one-on-one time with you will develop your bond and you will cherish the relationship that comes out of this. It sounds like Devil has a much better life than before and you should keep up the good work. ;)

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Greys normally have warm up to anything that is new .Toys , playstands etc..

When I first bought a playstand for our first Grey , it took him 3 months before he would go near it .The Grey I have now , it took him 6 days.So every bird is different .

Why don't you make every effort to bond with this bird . Sit and read to him and just get to know each other . My birds love it when I bring out the childrens story books , they come very close and sometimes on me when I am reading .

Also try placing his cage closer to the family room , like the others said , you can protect the rug with towels or paper . Greys are social , they like to be near the family . If he is given love , attention , and worked with slowly , he will come around .Remember to move slow , and offer new toys slowly .Allow him to see you playing with the toys and having fun with them .


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