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does my parrot look fat??


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the first picture is about 2 weeks ago and the other 2 were taken today. his diet consists of sunflowers mostly. doesnt come out of his cage often :( my dad doesnt allow it cause when demon defaecates it stains the carpet. he also gets grated egg and vegetibles now and then.

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Then he probably is a little overweight if he is only eating mostly sunflower seeds. He needs a varied diet of fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and some seeds. He can also eat some of what you have for dinner. We have some threads that deal with what fruits and veggies they can have and some of the things they should never have so read thru the bird food room for lots of informative threads.

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I agree with Judy. My greys get at least two meals a day of fruit and veg,it is essential to their diet. Does your grey not have regular time out of his cage. I buy a product called poop off to clean up the carpets if they do anything when they are out. This could lead to the problem of your grey not being tame. Just my opinion. Caroline

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casper wrote:

I agree with Judy. My greys get at least two meals a day of fruit and veg,it is essential to their diet. Does your grey not have regular time out of his cage. I buy a product called poop off to clean up the carpets if they do anything when they are out. This could lead to the problem of your grey not being tame. Just my opinion. Caroline


where can that product be bought?

i know for a fact that thats why hes not so tame i can easily hold him on my arm and just about stroke his head when i do get him out. before my dad started to complain i had demon nibbling my fingers without biting hard unless he found my nails of course. cause he would try and bite em off lol. but since my dad put the rule in of not letting him out because of the mess demon doesnt do that anymore.

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How long have you had Demon? He does need some time out of his cage, do you have a playstand he could be on and be out without him soiling the carpet?


You can buy that Poopoff stuff at most online sites that sell parrot supplies and maybe at your local pet supply store.

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www.24Parrot.com does something called poop off,it works a treat. The container comes witha brush on the top. I have also bought some from a pets at home store, I dont know whereabouts you are so dont know if you have one near you. Please talk to your dad and try to explain how important time out of cage is for your grey,tell him you will buy something and you will clean any mess up. If you want any ideas on diet there are many threads on here to help. I hope all works out for you and your grey. Caroline

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when i first got him i did have his wings clipped most of the time but i dont plan to get him clipped again unless it is absolutly nessasary. he isnt a good flier either. i am hoping that when i get my own place i will have him out more often like he use to.

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Thats what he needs, a good regular diet and time out of his cage. This combination will give you a much happier grey who will probably get tamer and let you handle him more. Are you planning to get your own place in the near future? Caroline

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well im gonna be forced to in December. so ain't gotta clue where i will be but demon and my other birds are comping with me. ive been told that they may not allow me to have birds in a place at first :o no way will i get rid of demon just for that purpose he will be with me for the rest of our lives

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Well you should be able to look around and find somewhere that will allow your birds but I know how you feel, they are part of your life now and like your children, you probably aren't old enough for them but thats how we feel about our greys and other birds.


I wish you luck and keep us updated, I see you have been a member for over a year but you haven't posted much, stay in touch and we can help you thru this difficult time in your life. Us grey owners have to stick together, no one else understands how we feel about our "babies":kiss:

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