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I have already posted on the african grey area (chlamydia) but I haven't introduced myself. My family and I are in the process of adopting a 13 yo. male CAG (Sidney) and a 13 yo green cheeked amazon (Ricco). We were able to go meet them yesterday. Both were well tempered and we were able to handle them with no hesitation. We are also the owners of a Sun Conure. I need advice on transitioning them to our family and introducing them to the conure. I'm very excited to have them in our family and to learn more about caring for them.


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Hello Jody and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sidney and Ricco.


I remember the thread about the chlamydia issue and I hope it all works out fine for you and your family to adopt these two birds. Its so heartwarming to hear that you want to give a home to these two birds and they sound lovely from your first meeting with them.


I have a sun conure also and it was first before my grey so I do things for her before I do the same things for my grey, that is so she knows she is first. You will have to keep the two new ones in quarantine for at least 45 days but then you can bring them into the same room with the other bird.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you get the chance to get some pictures and would share them with us we would love to see them, even the sun conure, we have an other birds room where you can post them.

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Welcome Jody,


I will have to say you came to the right place. If someone here does not know somthing about a question you have, there is either no answer to it or they have not logged on to post yet. This wonderful group of people are very patient and know much more than i have found in any book. I know only as much as I have read and what I have seen in my home the last month. Welcome again hope to see ya in here.



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