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Tycos Flight feather are starting to grow in but she keeps breaking them. She plays so rough with her toys and becaus she doesn't have all her flight feathers she breaks them I don't lnow what to do dhe doesnt play with her toys hanging in her cage just her foot toy. I don't want to take them away from her or she will get

bored and may start barbering or worse. any Ideas. She has never fledged and she 5 years old so I'd really like her to learn to fly but if she keeps breaking her flight feathers she's never going to learn. any suggestions.



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Bella and Jiggy play so rough as well, Jiggy in particular was trashing his feathers. Just yesterday I moved the toys around so he won't collide so easily with the side of the cage or with anything else. I don't know how you can do that with foot toys, maybe you can make some hanging toys more interesting (hide a treat in it or something) and maybe she'll start moving her action to cyphering things out rather then pounding the petudies out of something :laugh:

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It is going to be a challenge to stop the breaking of primary feathers. Depending on how short the Primaries were cut, they may have no support from surrounding feathers to help protect them them.


Breaking a blood feather is painful to them, if thats what is breaking. Tyco will learn to ease off on the rough play if pain is being felt.


If the rough play is not stopped by Tyco, the primaries may not grow out until a second molt occurs with the proper supporting feathers in place. If you desire for Tyco to become flighted, do not have the wings trimmed again and let them grow out in all their fullness and glory.


I wish I had some special advice on helping the probability of the next primaries coming in and remaining undamaged, but I don't.


I feel for you and Tyco, Pat. :-(


At least Tyco has a very loving companion and home now and things will keep flourishing with time. :-)

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Hi Pat , maybe you could try hanging the toys lower on the sides of the cage , that is what I did for Sammy to allow him more room at the top . Also does Tyco have shredder toys . I bought the shredder tape , it's on a roll and I weave it in and out of the cage , which they tear up and it doesnt take up space in the cage.If Tyco doesnt play with these toys maybe it would be better to take a few out and reposition the ones left. The extra room may be welcomed.

Also , why do the feathers break so easily ? Does the vet have a comment on this ?Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/15 16:53

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Mary it would be great but she not breaking them in her cage its when she playing on her playtop when she's in her cage its basicly nap time or bedtime she is out from 8:00 am til 8:00pm she pretty much ignores her toys that are in her cage she loves foot toys and attack them full out wings open and that toys gonna die.

Its fun to watch her but I hate whats happening. She used to barber her left wing really badly so when I got her she was very off ballance she barbered so bad that she had no primarys or secondary flights. I had her other wing clipped to match so she wasn't so off balance and falling all the time which worked but now that she's not barbering anymore after the feathers grow out there is nothing to support them so there getting broken she doing really good and has about five or six feathers on each side but she's broken 3 in the last week or so. thank god they haven't been blood feathers I don't know what I'd do there is no way I would want to lose the trust we have gained by having to pull a blood feather. and to take her to the vet for something that I'm perfectly capable of doing myself would seem like a waste of 60.00 So I'm glad that they were feathers that were totaly grown out. I don't think she would break a blood feather she is very protective of the new growth but she doesn't realize once there grown out without support that there going to get broken.



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Is Tyco breaking them in-between the grate of the cage? If that is what is happening then you could try putting a beach towel (or 2) folded to fit the cage to cushen the bottom and hopefully protecting the feathers.


God forbit, but if Tyco breaks a blood feather try to come from behind with the towel and cover his face. Have whoever is helping you do the talking...telling him it's OK while you pull the feather. After your done drop the towel and start scolding it. I know it sounds funny but let him see you point at it and say "BAD TOWEL!!!" Smack it around a bit too for affect. That way Tyco may think the towel did it to him. One more thing you could do...if you were the one that pulled the feather and someone else held him, leave the room before the towel is taken off his eyes and come back when he is put down or take him from whoever was holding him. That way you look like the person saving him.

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Thats a good Idea Mabie that how she is breaking them between the bars on the top of her cage. Her cage has a playtop but it doesn't have a tray just the bars and a perch I think I'll try flatening a heavy cardboard box fan putting that over the bars on the top of her cage. That just might work I hope If it does work I think I'll see if I can get a custon tray made at a sheet metal place Í know a friend Of mine got one made for her play stand and she paid about 60.00 for it. But for now I'll see if thats what is causeing her to break them. Thanks again for all the help Its really nice to know that I can count on you guys for Ideas when I need some.



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Pat, you poor thing . I know you are frustrated , I feel bad for you .

I think what Dan said about the wings being cut so short that there is not enough support for the feathers.I think I would talk to my vet and ask if there is something to give to encourage stronger feather growth.

As far as breaking one , maybe the vet would have a suggestion .Perhaps Tyco needs to be kept off the playtop and not allowed to be there if it is so destructive on the feathers .Perhaps a wooden playstand to just sit on top would help ,if it isnt a dome top . One of our cages is flat and we just sit a wooden Playstand on top somethimes.You have to do whatever it takes to protect Tyco .

Good luck , I will be thinking about you and Tyco.

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/16 13:23

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Well I placed a piece of cardboard over the bars on top of her cage and so far so good she I also got her a new big boing and hung that up mext to her cage. She just loves it She spent the day running up and down on bouncing and ringing the bell that is attached to it as long as she stays intrested in her boing I think I might have a chance to actually she her fly this molt mabie



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