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can i get bands for my birds?


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i was just thinking about this because i've got a new cremino linnie coming home monday and s/he has a band. neither of the other two birds do, and i'd like to get them some, is this possible, can i just go out and have bands fitted for them or someting? or is it 'too late'? if i can, where would i go to get this done? vet's office?

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You can have split rings/bands fitted, you would need your vet to do this as it requires special closing pliers to shut the bands.I would add as a word of caution as they haven't got bands & suddenly putting something alien around their legs may lead to problems.It will feel odd for them & they may start picking at the band & surrounding area.If you are looking at bands for a form of ID then perhaps consider micro chipping them.


If you do a search, there are various topics on leg rings/bands & micro chipping.

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I agree bands can be dangerous also they can get caught on things and if your not around and something happens like the bird gets it leg caught it could have tragic consequenses I've heard of bird chewing their leg off to free them selves if anything I'd be looking to get the bands taken off not putting them on. Just my opinion. Only 1 of my birds is banded and as soon as they come out with a chip that has a GPS in it all my bird will get microchiooed and that band will be removed. My Vet said it won't be very long before the new chips will be on the market. So I waiting for them.



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I agree with the others, if it's for ID purposes look into micro chipping. The bands at this point will feel very strange to your birds, and there have been cases of the split rings getting caught and causing dangerous situations. Good luck with the new member of your flock!

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As everyone else has said, a band could cause more harm than good. Plus, only an open band could be put on and they are pretty much worthless. A closed band proves it was born in captivity and most of the time will have the year it was born. An open band doesn't prove that. In fact, when an older bird has a open band almost everyone thinks "import." Plus they can be removed much easier than a closed band so if someone stole your bird or found it they could take it off. A closed band has to be put on within a week of hatching and once they are past that age they can no longer be put on. My grey does not have a band and if he did I would have already had it removed because of the risk of injury from it. I'm also waiting on the GPS chips and will have one put in when they hit the market.

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all righty guys, thanks for the info, i'll talk about microchipping for them both at the next well-bird check up in november. question for you though, being that neither of my birds are banded, this means what? both are too young to be wild-caughts and one i know for sure is not an import because she was bought for me at a local petshop. am i dealing with birdie mill birds?

also, ill keep you updated on the baby linnie, unfortunately pick up's been delayed till wednesday (sighs) oh well, more time to get the other fids prepared. the baby linnie's a bit of a handful, as she's pretty skittish although very nonagressive. was told by the staff (and i do trust this pet store) that this was somewhat normal behaviour and with regular handling she'll settle down, was also told this flighty behaviour was normal for linnies to an extent, and of course, the internet hasn't been helpful because finding info is impossible!

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Now sense the CITES group has got a ban on the importation of any endangered parrot into North America, banding is not as important as it once was. The pet store I work at only gets parrots from local breeders, some of them are banded and others are not. No band on a baby is not an indication of being from a mill, in fact I would think that mills would band their birds. Most large scale breeders use bands with their breeder ID on them, where small "mom and pop" breeders would be more likely to not band.

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phew that's a relief! your pet store sounds like he local one around here too. anyone know any good lineolated parakeet info sites, trying to figure out if complete fear (like flat out run and squawking is normal) because like i said that's what i was told but i've no experience with linnies and this baby linnie sure doesn't act like any other baby parrot i've held before. gawd lol remind me not to fall for those big goo-goo eyes ever again, this is such a case of MBS

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