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banishing the cluck dance


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umm.. well... i can't really think of a proper way to say this so here goes, anybody know how to stop parrots hell bent on masturbating/displayimg for you? i do ignore the TAG and tiel, only pet their necks and don't really cuddle them (trick training and games instead) and this has decreased the severity but it just seems that out of the blue (even if i'm not petting them or anything) they just rev up again. anyone have any further tips for putting a stop to this behaviour (yes i know it's nautral, but in being that a) i'm human and B) don't like them that way it's stressful for them and proabably a cause of my TAG's plucking and 'tiels screaming)?

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From looking on the net & reading various articles it is a debatable subject if plucking is linked to sexual frustration. Greys reach sexual maturity around the age of 5/6.If your grey is sexually frusrtated the problem may only be seasonal & should subside in a few days.


Many people who keep pet parrots end up with their bird being bonded to them as though it was a sexual partner. This is the main cause of the over-amorous bird. How your bird bonds to you depends on the messages you send out to it.


You should be aware that touching a tame parrot anywhere near its wings, back or tail may encourage it to think that you intend to mate with it!. Touching these areas of the bird may cause it to become highly aroused and it will follow its instincts. Many people stroke their birds as though they were mammals, they are not and should not be treated like this. To show your bird affection or approval, it is best to confine your attention to its head and give this a gentle scratch occasionally. If the bird regurgitates to you, you can try turning your back on the bird for a few seconds, to show you do not wish to encourage mutual feeding.

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I have been holding Obi each day and petting her just as you described, never knowing this was sexually stimulating for them. Obi is 6 months and loves to be held and pet. Of course, I also rub her head too. She gets almost in a trace-like state, and I'm not sure what that's all about either, it's like she's sleeping with her eyes open. Does anyone know what this is? I'll need to concentrate more on petting her head only then if wing/back/tail petting is stimulating.


We have a male cockatiel (caged with another male) who sits on his swing daily and masturbates. It harms no one and is not really offensive, so I just let him go since it's only for a few minutes. He once had a female who died, but she was more like a mom to him than a mate. I think at this point in time, he'd probably love a little female; however, I do have another male and not sure how he would act being left alone away from Fred.



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I would never splash a Grey or any bird with water You could very well lose their trust forever Its different when spraying for a bath because thier expecting it but if you just suddenly slash them with cold water I would think that would be a form of abuse and should never be done. just my opinion



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