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Painting and Bombing


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Hi all.

I have just recently purchased my grey and he won't be coming home until July 9th (or thereabouts). THe thing is, we didn't know we had a problem at the time we bought him, but our home is being bombed for mold (we chose the eco/pet friendly type but still YIKES) and will be painting as well. The bombing has been going on this weekend and painting will follow shortly.

I guess the BIG question here is: HOW LONG UNTIL IT WILL BE SAFE TO BRING DUDLEY INTO MY HOME AFTER THIS WORK IS BEING DONE????? I know that he will be very sensitive to the fumes and could succumb to them and I DO NOT what this to happen!! I am sure I could board him at the shop for a little while longer if I had to but can't afford to do that for long! Paint and mold bombs! Yikes. Some advice would be great!


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That depends on when the painting and mold bombing takes place. If it happens 3 or 4 days prior to bringing your new grey home. You should be fine as long as you have let the house air out good for the days prior to bringing him/her home.

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On a related topic, we're going to tile the floors of our whole house in a month or two. How long will Nikko need to go on vacation? We'll be staying in a motel while the work is being done, but I don't know if there are any leftover fumes once the workman leave. I know someone on another board had their tiel and grey die after some tile in there house was cleaned and sealed (they said it was bird safe too). The birds weren't even in the same room.

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So you say about 3-4 days with good airing? That will be good because we have at least 2 1/2 weeks before bringing my grey home. That should be plenty of time to let the fumes dissipate.


Spookyhurst: I bet it is probably about the same amount of time needed to air out tiling fumes as paint. Birds are really sensitive to fumes and die easily. I wouldn't take a chance. I would get nikko out for just under a week like danmcq says. My mother had a canary and it died the day she got a new teflon electric skillet. Imagine how much worse things that are yucky to us affect them!

Good luck!

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TabbyTai - That is more than enough time for the house to be aired out.


SookyHurst - The sealing chemicals for tile are definitely putting off vapors for at least 2 to 3 days until they are safe. If your tiles are the pre-sealed at the factory type and they are simply laying down and grouting a couple of days will be fine. The only sealing done is on the grout. If they seal.

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Ya I would say 2or 3 days as long as you can get the house aired out totaly I would also get a couple of good air cleaners to clean the air of any toxic fumes I have 2 of them running in my house all the time helps alot with the dust also just don't turn on the ionizer and all sould be okay.



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Okay, thanks! I'll have to find out if the tiles needed sealed, or just the grout. We might as well just stay in the motel an extra couple of nights, since rooms are very cheap in the middle of summer here in Arizona. It costs $25 to board a bird (in a windowless back room, at that) plus gas money to drive to the store, not to mention the stress Nikko would be under with the very loud macaws they always seem to have.

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