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Grey weight???


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BoBo weighed 446 grams on the 6th of May when we first brought him home. We weighed him this evening and he weighs 455 grams. How do I know how much he should weigh. How do I know when he should stop gaining weight? I am surer just like people each bird is unique but is there an adverage? Is there a growth rate from hatch to lets say a year??


Could someone help me out so I know how to monitor our Bestest Buddy BoBo??



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CAG and TAG have different size frames of their bodies, just as we humans do.Young greys can loose up to 10-15 % of their body weight when they learn to fly..A good idea is to keep a weekly chart..Any signifigant weight lose accompanied by any of the following would indicate illness & should be checked out by your avian vet...


Eyes should be clear and full of life.

Nostrils should be clear.

Vent should be clean. No signs of poop on their feathers.

Perching at the bottom of the cage all fluffed and sedated, eyelids heavy

Behavior is sedate when usually cheerful and playing.

Significant weight loss (10-15%). Weigh your bird regularly and keep a chart readily available.

Unusual droppings. Know what is normal for your bird.

Labored breathing

Loss of appetite



The CAG's weight does vary, it can be as low 375 grams in a small framed bird or as high as 6oo grams in a larger framed bird,a happy medium is somewhere in between.455 grams is a good weight ;)

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BoBo was Hatched on Feb 2nd 2008. He was fully weaned when we brought him home on May 6th 2008. He is 4 months old , I miscounted before. I believe he has fledged, ( meaning he is learning to fly. I believe he would be successfull if his wings were not clipped. His current weight is 455 grams I weighed him again this weekend. He is a Congo and I just wanted to get a rough idea of where a healthy weight is. He eats well. We feed him fresh bell, jalopino, chili and other asorted peppers, strawberries, grapes, broccoli, carrots, bagles, oatmeal and then pellets with a seed mixture, we exclude sunflower seeds from regular meals and use then as treats when he behaves as we would like him to, or at least when he attempts to. Thank you all for your input. I will add his weight to our chart of BoBo's life and his traits.



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