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Transition to Flight Status!


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Greetings everyone!


Well, Bella my CAG and Jiggy my conure will both have their full set of flight wings once this molt is finished. Jiggy is already jetting around the house (and getting into trouble - like getting on to my laptop and popping off 4 keys and flying off with one - little stinker :angry: )


Bella only has a few more feathers to go before her flight feathers are grown in. She seems to be approaching things quite differently. Where Jiggy just went for it and dove off his cage and started jetting around, Bella seems to be "trying out" her wings furiously. She stand on her playtop and flaps her wings furiously! But.. she doesn't take off. She still prefers to glide to the floor, and then waddle around on the floor.


Does anyone have any info on how AG's go about transitioning from clipped wings to full flight? My intentions are to let them fly in the house. We have no intentions of going outside without a harness. I don't have any ceiling fans, so we're ok there. My ceilings are 9 feet high, so they do have a bit of lift capability indoors. They mostly are interested in following me around.


Anyway - look forward to hearing from everyone!




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Thats all you need is Jiggy "Jetting" around the house, Terri. :P LOL


Bella will start trying to fly fairly soon, as the wing lift testing is already taking place. The feathers on the wings molt out one by one in matching feather numbers on each wing. She will start flying, but at slower speeds until they are all molted out and grown in. Hopefully her lower speed flying trials will give her the coordination she needs to navigate at higher speeds once all the flight feathers are in.


I wouldn't let Bella take off through any real long rooms at first. She could get up too much speed and hit the wall. It will take her a few short "hops" to get her "Coming in for a landing" and "Emergency Brakes or Turns" dialed in. :-)


It would be best if you can get her to start short hoops bu flying to your arm or shoulder and then stepping farther away as she gets the hang of it all.


Dayo's wings were clipped, but only about an inch and a half. So he could always fly, but not too far or with full control. He is dropping Primaries and regrowing presently also. Every once in a while he clips a wing tip on the walls when navigating around corners to get to the room we move to.

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Hi Dan! Yes, you're right - Jiggy jetting around is quite the experience. We thought he was trouble before, now he's really a handful! EVERYTHING is his flippin business!


Great info re: Bella though - I was wondering what she's up to flapping around like crazy like that. I mean she does that until she has to catch her breath again, her little heart pounding when she comes to sit with me after one of those flapping frenzies. I'll see if I can start practicing with her once she gets a couple more grown in. I think we still need at least two on each side before they're fully grown back. They are lovely though, makes her look much bigger!


The house has an open design, so each room flows into the other. The only really long space I have is the hallway, so I'll keep that in mind. Oy vey - speak of the devil - his highness Jigme Alexander just landed again - trouble is sure to follow! I better save my laptop!:woohoo: :woohoo:

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Well... Dan was right - having Jiggy jetting around the house is quite the adventure. This flying business creates a whole new problem for us simple humans who are ground-bound :S How do you exercise authority over someone who can just fly off???


Jiggy has turned into a hit and run artist. His favorite target - women's bras! That little stinker can unsnap a bra within seconds! The first time he did it I was on a teleconference and thought he was just climbing around on my back - Oh no! He want snip! My conference call became quite a bit more lively!


Then my daughter came over and he dive bombed her back and immediately went to work. My daughter yelped "Mom! Get your pervert parrot off me!!!!" You can't catch the little devil because he flies off the minute you try to cup him. Then when you turn back around, he's right back at work :blink: :blink: :blink:


So! What does this mean when Bella takes flight??? Dave??? You have a flight enabled grey - how are you dealing with this mischief???

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Nychsa Wrote:"That little stinker can unsnap a bra within seconds"


Jiggy, My Man!! Great Style!! B) Pay no attention to the ""Mom! Get your pervert parrot off me!!!!" " you may hear from some prudes. ;) You are perfectly normal!!


You just need to set the mood first, then the Bra snapping takes place. All with experience my Man. You'll get it soon enough. ;-)


If you think Jiggy is a pain as a little spit-fire F16, wait until Bella the B-52 Bomber takes to strafing runs. :-)

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dan!!! I can always send Jiggy to join you and Jake if you like him so much ;)


You are most welcome Siobha! :laugh: All you can do is laugh - that little stinker has already put holes in my shirts, so I'm thinking a Jiggy hat will look good pretty soon.


Dan - that's what I'm afraid of - Bella is going to be a terror at her size! But... I can't imagine she'll ever be as fast as he is, and she's a "good girl" she wouldn't go unsnapping bras!


Jiggy on the other hand, after he gets scolded, he comes to try and make up - sits on my finger and gives me air kisses (which he mimics perfectly) and says "kha, kha, kha, kha, kha" he whispers it, and then he likes to rub his head in my hand. :angry: :angry: :angry: What a little stinker!

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I know just what its like to have those little brats flying around I have a green cheek Conure that thinks he owns the place and a Yellow Crowned Amazon Hybrid she the worst talk about big birds that are able to fly she love to terrorize my little dogs I have a Papilion

and a Shith-zu if she isn't flying around trying to poop on them she will bite them when there asleep poor dog wake up not knowing whats going on because she flys back to her playstand and watches to see them barking and ready to fight what a brat. she doesn't bite them to hurt just hard enough to wake them up angry.:evil::angry: :woohoo:



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