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We have an opportunity to adopt an african grey and a mexican red head. It's our understanding the the african grey tested positive for Chlamydia in 2002 but then had a negative test. The amazon doesn't have symptoms. I have a son whose going through chemo and has a bad immune system. Is it possible for a grey to have a negative test but sill carry chlamydia?


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As the other members has said you really need to consult an avian vet & your sons doctors.


*Transmission of the Chlamydial organism from birds to humans has been confirmed in a number of cases. Although psittacosis infection in humans is rare it is potentially dangerous for persons who are sick, elderly, immunosuppressed (e.g., HIV patients) or pregnant. These people should consult their doctor for more information concerning Chlamydia psittaci.



I have included a few links for you..





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OK thanks everyone. I was able to talk to 2 vets yesterday. They both said it was not a good idea and they should be tested again. The test (or labs) are not reliable and that another test showing negative should be run before we consider this.

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Yes your son has to come first, but I hope it works out that you will be able to take these two birds if their tests come back negative again, it sounds like you would really love to have them.


Keep us informed as to what happens, one way or another.

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I am sorry to hear your Son is under going Chemo. Your very wise in insuring those Parrots have no transmittable diseases. As you know, Chemo patients immune systems are very low and an infection of any type can quickly become a life threatening issue.


I do hope the Parrots tests come back clean. I would imagine those two Parrots will bring a smile to your Son's face everyday, which he needs. :-)

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Here's what we've decided to do. My husband and I went and visited Sidney (CAG) and Ricco (Amazon) yesterday. They are very beautiful and look healthy. We've asked the current owner if she can take them to the vet and keep them until the lab test have been done and come back as negative. We'll pay the vet directly for the check ups/lab test. And then we will transfer them to our house. So, God willing, they will be with us in about 2 weeks. :woohoo:

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