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weight loss


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hi there people one very new member here needing lots of help:P can any one tell me if my baby grey is ok?? He has lost nearly 50 grams in weight in the last two days he is finishing his weening now and very very active climbing all over his extremely large cage is the weight loss due to the cut in food and the increased activity? he is eating his little bits of premium parrot mix,fresh fruit,veg and dried fruit as well as taking 20 mls of avplus handrearing parrot food???please help if you can guys thank you


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50 grams is a lot to lose but if he is weaning and being very active and maybe trying to fly then yes they usually do lose some during that period but it should be put back on soon.


I've not had any experience with handfeeding but some of the members have and they will chime in soon with their thoughts and suggestions.


Tonja, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your baby grey.

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As long as he is still eating plenty on his own and taking formula then there shouldn't be too much to worry about. Greys loose a LOT of wait during fledging time and then will gain some back. Greys are heavy birds and it is difficult for a baby grey to keep all that weight in the air. My Elmo looked anorexic when he was fledging and when I called my breeder to ask him about the huge weight loss he said it is normal for then to look that thin. As long as you can see they are eating plenty then there is nothing to worry about.


What was his weight before?

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The weight loss is in the normal range at weaning/fledging time. My Dayo went from 527 down to 422 in a three week period during that process.


around 3 months later he stabilized at 454 and varies up/down 6 to 10 grams through out the week.


It is great that you are monitoring his weight on a daily basis. It is important you do so as you are. :-)

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