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Newly Grey'd

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I am looking into getting an african Grey in the near future, but I want to make sure that I know as much information as possible, that way when I do get one, it will be less stressful on the two of us :D


So, I would like to know, what is your 'secret tip'/ the thing that helped you most when you first got your Grey.



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Hello Amberly and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you want.


You are doing the right thing in finding out all you can so you will be prepared and you certainly came to the right place, we have tons of info on greys.:)


This place is my "secret tip" and you won't find a better bunch of people than right here, the kind of people who care about one another and help each other with their problems with their birds.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.:P

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Hi Amberly & Welcome to the forum.


There is no secret tip but as judy said you have come to the right place to learn about greys, be sure to have a good read through all the information on offer here & be sure to check out the nursery room which has some useful tips on baby greys ;)

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Welcome Amberly!!


It's GreYt to have you here. The secret tip I can give is, I joined several Forums, settled down here, did my reading and research and started asking questions once I felt confident enough to do so.


So ask away!! :-)

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Welcome Amberly!


I am still pretty new to the forums and to Grey ownership. However, I could only sugest patience and alot of reading. Owning a grey is like nothing you have ever done before, even if you have owned other birds. Don't be afraid to ask questions, Please post information you find that you might not have been able to find here. This is a wonderful place to seek help or find answers and the people here are top notch.



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welcome! i too found this forum well before merlin came home. it helped my confidence greatly! and in those shaky weeks after he came home and i was a DA greenhorn the help here was invaluable!


go ahead and search this forum for any issue that crosses your mind in the middle of the night.


plus i have found great help and encouragement from parrot clubs and rescue organizations. my merly is a rescue bird and i have gotten such help and encouragement every step of the way.

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Hi Amberly,


I'll echo what others have said: No secret tip but there's a ton of great information here.

Biggest piece of advice for starting out- if you're getting a baby, make sure you're comfortable with the breeder.


Enjoy the forums!

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Welcome Amberly,

We're glad you've joined us. Doing your research before you get your bird is the best way to start off. Make sure to get a nice big cage that is easily cleaned and this helps a lot too. Most of us also have playstands of some kind to keep our birds entertained. You may find you spend more money on your bird than yourself soon enough- between food, new toys, etc. I highly recommend getting the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker. In my opinion this is one of the best books for telling you how to interact and care for your grey. Best of luck to you.

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Thank you all so much! I certainly feel now that I cannot ask a 'dumb question' :P


The Grey I am looking into is Named Woody and he is 6 - still a youngster, eh?


I'm very excited to go meet him and his owner this week, is there anything special that you would reccomend I look for?


Thanks again! See you on the forums!



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There are no "dumb" questions here regarding our greys, whatever it is just ask.;)


Woody is still a youngster but he will soon be sexually mature so that could bring some other problems into the equasion.


I would look for bright eyes and no discharge from the nares and be looking for any bare areas on the body where he might be plucking.


Just observe his behavior with his owner and he may not be receptive of you at this point but don't hold that against him as he does not know you yet. If you do get him it will take a while for him to feel comfortable with you so give him lots of time and be very patient with him.


I look forward to hearing how this visit goes so be sure to update us on it when you get back.

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