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Everything & Everybody scares Echo


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My Timneh grey is alittle over a year old. He is afraid of everything and everybody. I love having him with me but if I am carrying him on my hand and my husband, friends, relatives anyone walks by he takes flight. I had him at our vet's just the other day for his wings and feet. He was just sitting there on my hand when the tech came over towards him and he flew down and cut his chest. This was the first time he really hurt himself. I am so afraid now that he will really get hurt. Does anyone having any ideas on what I can do to help this little guy overcome his fears.

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He was very timid from the start. I purchased him from a breeder at a bird show in Orlando, FL. He would not come out of his cage (it was really small) and she had to work really hard for him to finally come out. We walked outside so it wouldn't be so noicy. She passed him over to me, sat on my chest and that was it. He would not go back to her no matter how hard she tried. I had to take him back inside and tried to put him back in his cage. He would not go in and I was afraid of hurting him so I placed him on the top. He kept trying to get back on me. There was no question, he wanted me and no one else. When we got him home and I put him in his new home( much, much, larger cage) the little guy didn't even know how to sit on the perchs and really didn't know how to get around the cage. He kept falling down. After a few days he got much better and now is a pro. But he has always been afraid but would not fly off me. Now he is getting worst and taking flight. I really am concerned.

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My Elmo went through a tramatic experiance and was doing something similar. Your poor TAG came to you scared though. Was there anything sense you got him that may have scared him? Maybe there is something in the room with his cage that scares him. When he is in the cage see if there is something he seems to watch and not want to go near. What I did with Elmo was to find his comfort distance from what was spooking him. Go to that point and stop and let him see that nothing happens to him...comfort him and tell him how good he is doing. If there is a person in the room keep that distance and tell the person to move slow and to talk in a soothing voice. After some time goes by doing this and he seems a little less tense try moving a little closer. Not too much closer, you don't want him to really notice the change. Little by little he should become more comfortable with what is around him.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/06/13 03:27

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Sounds to me like he might have had a tramatic experiance when he was just a baby baby you may have to find someone else to help you work with him on socializing like someone else to give him some treats and talk to him and give him head scritches if and when he will allow it and you can be there doing step ups and training sessions but you must try to socialze him to other family members so he learns that he doesn't have to be afraid of other people and that you will be there for him also



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I tried to do just that with my husband. From the time we brought him home we both tried working with him. He would let me past him to my husband and he would step up on his finger and stay for a little while but then make every effort to get back to me. I would even try to leave the room so he wouldn't see me but that didn't work. He would at the beginning step up on my husband finger he if was walking around on the floor under our supervision. Then forget it. Everytime my husband walks by the cage Echo will lunge at him. I just can't remember the last time my husband tried to handle him but Echo bit him so hard he drew blood. When my neighbors come over they will walk slowly over to his cage and speak to him in a soft and gentle tone. Forget it he goes crazy and clings to the sides of his cage. I am really at my wits end. I am so afraid he will hurt himself flying off me, off his cage or play station when someone walks anywhere near him. Please help me help this little guy.

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I would say to have anyone that makes him cling to the cage like that stay away from him. It sounds like he is cage bound...which is basicly aggresion when they are in the cage. It sounds like he could use some space but still expose him to other people.


There is a TAG at my work that had an infection and we had to give him injections and that was so trumatic that for him he did not want anyone near him and trusted no one. It has been months and he is slowly coming around.

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Let me ask you this. I can bring him to work with me. Do you think that this might help? Again though remember that he flies off my hand, cage, or play station whenever someone come by. He will have the same freedom in my office that he has here at home. I don't like him in his cage unless I have to leave the house or in this case my office.

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No. Let my explain. I own a child care center. My office is pretty private unless I have my door open. If I bring him to work I would have my door open most of the time so he would be able to see people coming and going. My director spends alot of time in my office also so I was hoping that she would talk with hime also plus other staff members, parents and the children. We had a green cheek conure that would reside in the hallway and everyone just loved her. She passed recently and everyone misses her very much.

I thought that maybe bringing Echo with me to work would help both him and the kids.

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The kids have access only if I let them. They were all really good with "Matida". They all would walk by her cage in the morning and tell her "good morning" or "hello". When they would go home they would tell her bye bye if she was still there. Matida's mom was my cook and she would take her home every day then bring her back in the morning.

Thank you for caring.

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I have read that improper handeling as a baby and improper skills from the breeder can cause this type of behavior.

Also I worked in a day care center when I was around 17 years old for one day . I never went back , it was earth shaking LOL...Maybe if Elmo were introduced to the daycare slowly , like take him there after hours and then have him there for a short time when the children arrive , then take him home .It sounds as though he is in overload .

If your husband could offer a treat when he approached him in his cage .If Elmo refuses the treat , then just place it in the bowl and walk off. He needs to understand other people have good things to offer with their loving hands. Also slow down the energy around him, if anyone is fearful , he will sense this and bite .If your Husband is fearful of being bit again , maybe he needs to just sit and read or visit . Also not making direct eye contact while around the cage might help. We forget they are prey animals and sometimes everyone looking at them is scary.My first Grey , would not accept anything new , it had to sit in the room for weeks , and I had to play with it and act like it was the most wonderful whatever in the world , then finally he would accept it .

My Alexandrine does not like for strangers to just walk up to her cage , she likes them to sit for a while and see that I am OK with them , then I introduce her to them . If they just walk over , she screams till they leave.

The flying off your hand when someone comes near is escape , he is afraid . Some birds are more shy than others , these are the ones who need everything to move very slowly.

Hopefully some of this will help . Good Luck ,

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/13 13:06

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I hope that you are wrong about him being mishandled as a baby,baby. The thought of that makes me sick. I am a BIG animal lover and can't imagine anyone mistreating a animal of any kind.

Sorry about your child care experience LOL. I have owned my center now for 21 years and know that at times it does seem like all the kids are "Children of the Corn" I love them all and admire all my staff for the wonderful work they do with these kids in getting them ready to enter the school system.

Everything you suggested is well worth a try. You're about my husband he is afraid of being bite again. I don't know if he will be willing to try again. Echo does not like him at all. He flips out even when my husband tries to help me in feeding. However I will let him read your advise. It is certainly worth it if it will help Echo.

As far as taking him to work slowing and take him home after just a few hours. We have recently moved to the west coast and I have an hour drive one way. I will try to work out a different schedule for a few days a week.

Again thank you very much.

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I am sorry , I didnt explain that well . You said you purchased him at a bird show . I have heard that some people breed just for the profit . So they are not too concerned about the well being of the future in a parrots life, meaning as chicks they are not handled enough , exposed to enough different sights , sounds , toys , or people. Some are breed , weaned and left in the cage .I am not implying this is what happened but possiable. You said that when you were at the bird show and he didnt want to go back into the cage and clung to you , that is a firm indication he was begging for human interaction and please don't put me back in the cage .

If this is the case , he needs to have plenty of out of cage time , and different people interacting with him without forcing him to step up . He needs quiet , calm , slow attention .Greys are known to be cautious of anything they are not used to .He obviously loves you . My bird bites me when my husband comes into the room , so I can't handle him when hubby is home , we have our time in the mornings and during the day . He thinks he is protecting me , I just sit there so he bites me to make me fly away as he would do with a mate in the wild, then she would return when all is safe.He is so sweet when my husband isnt around me , now my husband steps him up great and he likes him , it only happens when I am holding him .

If your husband can just sit and talk to him or read children stories to him , he will come around , all in good time. Hope this helps . I am sure some of the others will have better tips .

Sorry about the comment about child care , I was very young and had not been around children.That's great of you to devote so much into our future generation .

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/13 15:14

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Don't worry about the comment about child care it made me laugh. The more I think about the day I found this little guy the more I realize that you are probably right about the only for profit thing and him being left in his cage. The cage he was in at the show was very little. He could just about stand up. There were no perches, toys, or anything except a water bowl. When we come home and put him in his new home the little guy didn't even know how to get from one perch to another. We only had three at the time and he didn't even seem to know how to get around in his cage. We thought all of this pretty odd due too we also have a blackheaded caique we purchased on Dec. 06 and this little guy goes non stop until its his bed time. He had no trouble adjusting to his new home. But every bird is different like people. We do give Echo alot of time out of his cage. He is with me now playing in his basket of toys. He will stay out of his cage either with me or on his play station. He is very sweet with me and I know that he does love me. My husband knows how important he is to me so he will try to make things better. Again thank you for all your help. Echo thanks you too.

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He was very shy for the getgo. At first he would let me pass him to my husband. He would even stay with him for awhile when we were watching TV. I would sit in a different chair so he couldn't get to me easily. The clever little boy though would work his way down my husbands legs (had up in recliner) to his toes then fly over towards me. He would even let my husband pick him off the floor and put him back on his play station or cage. He never did accept food from him though and it was in those attempts that he bit my husband serveral times drawing blood. My husband really did try. But he finally said that Echo was my bird and thats all it is to it. We were already in our new house when I got him. His flying off may hand or arm started not long ago. In fact I was over by the pool checking to see if my palms needed water and out of the blue he yelled and flew into the pool. My husband said he had never seen me move so fast. Luckly he kept flapping his wings and I was able to get him. I don't take him with me by the pool any more. We have had some workers come to the house to service some items. His cage door was opened and before I could get to him, he was flying out of his cage and scared one guy to death. He didn't even see him in his cage. I really don't know what to do, I am so afraid he is going to get hurt.

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I am reading about this in my Sally Blanchrd Parrot book . She suggest everyone in the family work towards bonding with the Parrot. One thing she suggest is you taking the bird into a neutral room and placing on a T stand or chair , then you leave the room and your husband enters and shuts the door .During this time he can read to the bird , eat snacks so that the bird becomes interested in what he is eating or he can work on something to get the Parrots attention .Like my bird loves it when I wrap presents , he wants to be right there pulling on the ribbon , playing and chewing on the paper .Or when I pull out the toy making box , here they come , one on each side , they actually start digging in the box. The neutral room is somewhere where the cage or playstand can not be seen and you need to allow them the time alone . My birds also love to sit on my shoulder and watch you tube , the Alexandrines and the Greys .

This needs to be done daily and see what happens , hopefully a relationship will take place . Ask your husband to lower his energy before working with the bird , take some deep breaths and relax. Also he does not need to try to handle him right now.


Now as far as the fear thing for no reason , I have no idea. Like Burna suggested , something is wrong or causing a fearful reaction .I will continue looking in the book and see if something pops up .Have you painted a room , hung a new picture , new hairstle or color , new nail polish , anything different anywhere?

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/14 02:13

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