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Regurgitation Station


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Ok I guess I have a couple questions.


BoBo has been nipping when I go to pet him. His normal sign that he wants to be petted is to raise one foot like he is going to step up and then putting his head down. Lately when I have been doing this he will turn his head all diferent directions and grab at my fingers with his beak. He never bites hard nor does he show any signs of agression such as fluffing up or hissing.


I will allow him to get a hold of my hands and trust that he will not bite hard. So far so good. Also while my finger is between his beak I will use my other fingers to lightly grab the sides of his beak. More or less placing fingers beside the beak. There is no pressure I do not hold his beak but it almost seems like he is playing. I say this because he will regurgitate a couple times while this goes on.


So my questions are: Is he playing? Why is he regurgitating?


I also notice after I walk away he will attack one of his toys. Is BoBo unhappy?

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He probably is playing JC and especially if he is regurgitating while this is going on, that is a sign of affection so count yourself lucky.


Attacking one of his toys is just how a lot of them play, my Josey will attack some of her toys with a vengence, I think to make as much noise as possible with it.


When he nips you might have to start telling him no bite and turn your back on him and walk away for a few minutes and then try again. They don't like being ignored and soon he will learn that biting is not acceptable.

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Sounds like he's in love my Amazon is totaly madley in love with me ans she will play with me with her beak she never puts any presure at all its how birds love in the wild their beaks are what they use to show each other affection as long as you don't show any reaction and its just a playful thing I really wouldn't worry my Amazon has been doing this for a long time and its just play she has never ever bit me hard its more like she just holds my finger with her mouth she is very careful with her beak when she climbs up my leg and need to hold on with her beak she is carful only to grab on to my pants she's very gentle for a bird that weighs 479 grams and she's not fat


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You just described to a T how Elmo plays with me. He play bites and acts like he is attacking me and then start to gurg. Elmo has learned how hard he is allowed to play bite by me taking my hand away from him if he got a little to hard. It's his fav way to play with me and I love it too.

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My bird does that too, exactly the same way and then regurgitates something yummy but I let him eat it himself, haha!

Then sometimes he takes my fingers between his beak and goes on like my fingers are feeding him, he is like a little chick in his mothers nest, its so cute!

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Might sexual bonding be a bad thing if I am trying to promote a dual or multiple bond with BoBo? I remember reading in one of my books something about the chance for agressive behavior to others when that type of bond is established? What do you think.



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I don't think you have to worry about anything sexual related for a while as you have a baby grey and he won't mature for years yet but he sees you as his caretaker and he wants to feed you and if he does it to both of you so much the better.:P

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Sally Blanchard mentions in her Beak Book that they practice being adults way before sexual maturity sets in, and that very young parrots begin to cout their caregivers long before they have the hormones to back it up .Regurgitation simply means he has a very special bond with you .What a compliment ...Parrots feed each other and he just wants to feed you .Parrots who are loved and nurtured usually do not have agressive attitudes towards their caregivers .Sorry I got the sexual issue going ....LOL....


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Regurgitation, from everything I have read, isn't spicific to sexual bonding. I see birds barfing for each other all day long and only a small handful actually started to pair bond. Now butt shuffling is another story, but that won't start for years to come.

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