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I think Elmo is trying to tell me something


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As many of you know, Elmo has a dark sense of humor. Well, now he is talking and letting his feeling be known.


I have a laptop computer and when I'm on it I lay on my belly on the bed and have it in front of me. Elmo normally is running around on the bed and jumping to and from the tree stand. Well, last week I was laying down posting here on the forum and Elmo was running up and down my back. I was wearing a pair of spandex capri pants (my workout/housework cloths) and all of a sudden he started attacking my butt!!! After he did the Grey attack scream he yelled out "Ehhhh!!! STOP IT!!! Don't you do it!!" and started attacking again!:blink: :woohoo: Then yesterday I was wearing the same capri pants and he did it AGAIN!!! I think Elmo is trying to tell me my butt doesn't look very good in them...but I disagree!:laugh: :laugh: That bird just don't know a nice derrière when he sees one!:P :laugh: :kiss:

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B ,

I got a real visual on this one..LOL....how funny , I can just see it , next there will be a complete line of spandex clothing line for Greys on the market and you and Elmo will be rich . Hey it's a thought , you can name it Elmo spanx. Corny , I couldnt resist.....


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BMustee wrote:

I think Elmo is trying to tell me my butt doesn't look very good in them...but I disagree!:laugh: :laugh: That bird just don't know a nice derrière when he sees one!:P :laugh: :kiss:


I think that before we get all excited about this new range of Elmo Spanx, we should judge for ourselves. Please post a picture of your butt wearing aforementioned pants asap and we will take a vote on it!

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Pchela wrote:

I do hope noname doesn't start critiquing my body. I'm a big enough critic of it myself. :P


Ohhh, if noname is anything like Elmo prepare yourself. Elmo has busted out laughing while he watches me in the shower. I tell myself he thinks the soap is funny but I know what he's thinking. He'll do the wolf whistle after laughing and I tell him the peanut gallery can go back to the cage if it doesn't stop with the mockery.:laugh:

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oh ouch. I cannot be laughed at in the shower. That would do some permanent damage I think. I'm a female american. I already have sever body image problems!


Betty- don't worry! I don't call him/her noname to his face!

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Ah ha ha Berna!!!!! What a hoot!!! Now I'm not sure what I'd do with Elmo! I think I'd put him in front of the mirror and laugh at him and see what he does! He does really seem to have a dark sense of humor :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Oh yeah! He set a trap for me by dropping a peace of ice on the floor out of my cup and when I went walking by I slipped on it. Thankfully I caught myself and didn't fall but you should have heard Elmo. He was laughing so hard if he had pants on he would have peed em'. He is such a hoot to live with...when I got him I never expected this. Even though he is going to be the death of me I wouldn't change a thing.

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You guys have to stop this I have tears rolling down my face and my side hurts so bad from laughing. Berma you have quite the bird there. I'm sure every bird in the world thinks us humans are ugly look at them the are perfect in every way. there is nothing more beautiful. But as babys their sooooo ugly their cute.



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