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Do any of you birds eat hanging upside down?? When Tyco eats her soft food like eggs or sweet potato mixture she does it hanging upside down hanging from the side of her cage. I don't know why its not like she can"t sit comfortably on a perch to eat she only does it with her soft stuff not her pellets or seed mix. You would think it would be really hard to swallow with the gravity pulling the food downward. I just thought it a little strange.



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"""she does it hanging upside down hanging from the side of her cage. I don't know why its not like she can"t sit comfortably on a perch to eat she only does it with her soft stuff not her pellets or seed mix. """


What's makes you think that upside down isn't comfortable for birds? All birds do many things upside down including eating, playing. What you need to worry about is when you see strangers, your friends or your relatives doing things upside down. Then, you've got every right to be extremely upset. That's a problem that's not very easy to correct.

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Bella only eats upside down when she's popping open one of her toys that has a walnut inside. She rolls over on her back, holds the toy in one claw and then twists the top off with the other and then she munches upside down :laugh:


She does like hanging upside down, particularly from my fingers, she likes to dangle back and forth and she'll snatch anything she can when she's doing that.

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