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Potential unwanted babies!!!!


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Hey everyone!


Just found out today the sexes of my two greys. Navi is a female (after being called 'little man' for a year) and Nelly is a male.


They are both coming along nicely. Only had Nelly for a couple of months but he is the most friendly bird ever! He loves cuddles from anyone and everyone where as Navi is slightly more picky, but she will still step up for anyone, even strangers. We are very lucky to have them both.


They both get on well, they give each other lots of cuddles and preen each ohter but would prefer human conact to each others.


Didnt expect to have 1 of each sex and im aware it will be about 4 years IF anything happened between them but I do not plan to keep them seperated, Its nice to see them together so is there a chance they may breed?


I know very little about bredding and am worried that if it does happen that they may not ever want human contact again.


any info/ideas?



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You don't really have anything to worry about, usually pet greys will not breed, they need the right conditions according to what I have read and heard from the other members here who have breeding greys. They are either pets or breeder birds but not both, so enjoy your pair and glad to hear they get along well with each other.:P

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Greys need the proper environment and diet to breed successfully.It' not just a matter of buying two birds, putting them together and letting nature take its course,it's far more complex than that ! You dont have anything to worry about, just enjoy your greys as pets :)

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Sounds like your babies are very bonded to people not to each other and I don't think you have to worry. Even if they did decide to mate it will be several years down the road and nothing would come of it unless you provided them with a nest box and let them keep any eggs they laid. Just keep interacting one on one with each of them every day and enjoy the fact that they can tolerate each other.

Even with having a breeding pair of greys it still took them over 12 years to successfully have a baby! I hope you enjoy your two.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Greys need the proper environment and diet to breed successfully.It' not just a matter of buying two birds, putting them together and letting nature take its course,it's far more complex than that ! You dont have anything to worry about, just enjoy your greys as pets :)


Works for Humans, Cats and Dogs.... No special timing, surroundings our diets required. ;-)


Tray is right on and Judy too, regarding birds though. B)

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