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Perch Placement & Your Grey's Fav Snack


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Ollyo wrote:

Birds favorite snack....




she will damn near trip over herself running to get a piece, and she will try yo take all of the pieces if I don't stop her.



OMG, I hope you don't give her much of that for it has too much fat to be good for her. Now Josey will just about turn herself inside out to get a piece of cheese when she sees the bag coming out of the fridge:woohoo:

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""""Fat is perfectly ok for birds in small quantities. ""


But not the type of fat that bacon has. There's heavy amounts of concentrated salt and a huge amount of grease besides the fat. The grease and salt is hard for the body to break down.

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Yes, I was wondering about fat - Bella usually eats dinner with me, and I had cut some fat off a steak and she snatched that up and sucked the juice out of the fat! I was concerned it wasn't good for her, and tried to take it away, but she fought be pretty well for it :blink: So.. she chewed it up. I've taken to not putting salt on anything until I'm ready to eat it because her Grace has to share everything with me ( I swear my Doctor will love her!)

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Bettyboop: HEHE I know what you mean.


As for birds and fat... I was reading something the other day that was talking about how eating fat is what helped the birds evolve from dinosaurs. I just can't remember where I read it. If I find the article again I'll be sure to post it here.

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Well, you can always spend a sunny day with the family at Jurassic Park and on the next sunny day, you can have a wonderful visit to Prehistoric Park. This park is famous for time travel back into the days of the dinosaurs. It was featured on TV. People built a special place in the present age and went back millions of years and brought back pairs of different animals in order to save the different species from extinction. In those days, the average cockroach was about 6 ft long. They also have huge mammoths and saber toothed tigers who are presently breeding and they also have a pair of T-Rexes there. No breeding though. They're brother and sister. Besides these animals. they have hundreds of others who came back to the present. While you're there just ask the resident vets about the fat.

Instead of just posting the article, it would be great if you can bring back videos that will amaze us all.

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Ollyo, I would like to read that artical . Sammy has only had the tinest piece of bacon a couple of times.I would never do anything like that on a regular basis .We only have bacon once or twice a year in the house, usually at Christmas or vacation.


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