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I'm starting to get real lazy....


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I'm starting to get real lazy around here, with talon talking as much as she is.


For example, if she's chewing something that we dont want her to chew on, she'll go "hey!" or say "talon!" in an aggravated voice. So i dont even have to tell her not to, she does it herself.(Granted, i do have to actually get her to stop chewing it, she wont stop on her own.):P


If the phone rings, she's answer it! Not physically of course, but she'll say hello, call my brother, answer ok, say bye, etc. :laugh:


But my favorite thing that she does is answer for me. Like just a few minutes ago, my mom told me something, and just as i was about to say okay, Talon said it for me. :laugh:


Do you guys have any stories to share about your birds talking?



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I love the way they can mix up things they have learned and say them in totally different contexts. For instance my hubby was with Oisin and I was in the next room with Liath.


Hubby says "No Biting Oisin" (Oisin chews on your hands rather hard).


Liath says, "Yeah.... No Biting Oisin or No kisses for YOU!":laugh:

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Hi Melissa, I love the way they can say the right words at the appropriate moment ;)


My 4 every morning when i go to clean the bird room always ask " what ya doing " Kaiti the TAG always says good morning, Coco says " hello " everytime she hears a phone ring, & all four call the dog when they hear me trying to get him from the garden " Ty come 0n, come on then they whistle :whistle:

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Hahahahaha Melissa, you have your own personal secretary now taking messages and answering all the "Small Stuff" for you. :-)


Dayo's not there yet, but he is calibrating several words and phrases very low volume when he thinks no one is paying attention. ;-)

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