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Cat fights! as told by Klaus


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The weather is warm. The windows are open. And the neighborhood cats are fighting.

And guess what new sound Klaus is making?

Yep, that delightful music that could only be called, "Cat fight!".

Right now I'm listening to him...

It's a constant stream of a few notes of Andy Griffith, a squirrel, a water drip, a little cat fight, some Sanford & Son, random mumbles, more on the cats, etc.

He's cracking me up!

We were all laughing and reacting to the cat fight noises so of course he's doing it a lot. It got him some attention didn't it?


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It still amazes me what stuff our greys are picking up and cat fight sounds is a good one, no wonder you are cracking up over them but that will only encourage him further, you know that:lol: :whistle:


Dan I still occasionally watch Sanford & Son reruns on one of the stations on satellite, I wonder if Klaus is doing the one "I'm coming Elizabeth" :laugh: :laugh:

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Sorry, guys - Klaus just whistles the theme song. He's never seen the show, we just taught him to whistle it.

The cat fight thing continues to entertain us. Now I tell him he's a bad kitty whenever he does the noise. And he just couldn't be prouder of himself!


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