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Grey Flapping


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We have a 3 year old grey that just started a bad behavior. Our parrot is only in their cage to sleep. For the last couple weeks when we pick him up he starts flapping wings and will even jump off my hand. I`m afraid he will hurt himself and this is painful. We have always handled him and we had him from a handfed baby until now.Cansomeone help? Oh 1 more thing. He even starts this behavior when we walk toward him.

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Hello Allena,

Does your Grey jump and fall to the floor or does he fly away? If he flies away maybe he doesnt want to be stepped up. You can try to bring him in closer to your body to prevent a fall .Try to step him up on your hand for a more steady perch , or gently close your thumb down on his toes to help him feel more secure.My Grey likes to step up onto our fist , then he proceeds to the wrist area.Also, maybe he isn't being handled enough to want to be handled.Has someone changed a hairstyle or new nail polish ? I highlighted my hair and my birds reacted very strongly to it ..I am sure some of the others will have some good suggestions. Hope this helps ,

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/07 03:13

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As Mary has said, think about any changes anyone in the house has made to the way they look...hair, nails, anything. Think back to even a few weeks before the behavior. Has anything in the house changed? New couch, table, rug...

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Thanks for the quick replies. Ziggy is handled every day. His cage is for sleeping and a occasional time out. We get him up every morning and put him and our Jardines on separate perches. We clip his wings so he cannot fly This behavior started a couple weeks ago and the kicker is it doesn`t happen every day. No major changes that would have set him off. Also concerning handling he is taken off his perch 2-3 times a day and even taken outside when it`s warm enough. He doesn`t have a problem stepping onto my hand and he hates the thumb on the toes trick.

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The perch gives him plenty of room to climb and exersize. It is a 3 ft limb from a tree with dow rods and his dishes. This flapping is frantic and he will jump off my arm or hand. Just a 1/2 hr ago he was on my shoulder and lap playing like nothing was wrong for a good 20 min. and I carried him back to his perch with no problems.

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