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Hi everyone. My name is Kerry and I thought I would come on for a read up and say hi to everyone.

I'm just about to look into getting a parrot, was looking for an Eclectus but have been told by many people that I should go for a grey instead. I have never had a parrot let alone a grey, so trying to look around for other peoples experiences.

Don't know if I should have a male or female, what age I should go for ect ect.

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Hi Kerry,


Welcome to the forum. If you are looking for information about greys then you have definitely come to the right place :) There is lots of information here so you should find lots of answers. Or feel free to ask any questions you think of.


You are doing the right thing by doing your research first, because greys certainly arent for everyone!



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hi kerry welcome to the flock, i to am getting a grey but have been researching them for 12months and get mine in july :), you really should take time and ask lots and lots of question on here, they really are great and will answer anything and everything.I think you will have your eyes opened about how much care AND attention they need, I certainly did but it's not put me off 1 tiny bit and im sure which ever birdy you choose (or are chosen by) you will make a great mom;)

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Hello Kerry and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and whatever bird you choose but I hope it is a grey.


The others who posted are so right, you are doing just what you should do to find out whether a grey would be a good fit for you. They do require some personal attention every day and their needs must be met for them to be happy and stress free.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.

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Hi thanks for the warm welcome, I have been looking around for the last few months just gathering information and there is alot out there lol

I work from home for my husbands business so I am here 24/7 and all alone :( lol I have enqired in many places and some are anti greys, but most places have told me that a grey is the only way to go. That they are funny, strong willed, intelegent, inquisative and really just like having a mischevious child in the house, they will keep you on your toes.

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Hi Kerry, and welcome. I have seen too many people get a parrot and THEN ask questions, but you are doing the most important thing by asking first. Most people on this forum are grey people, so there really isn't too much of the negatives listed here but it's like that with every type of parrot person. I know quite a few Ecie people that just LOVE them to bits, but I have only met one I like...an old male that plucks all his feathers except the one's on his head. Be sure to look into all the different birds, and ask us in the Other Bird room about the different kinds...a lot of use have parrots other than greys too.


Again, welcome, and I look forward to answering your questions here.

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Welcome Kerry!!


It's good to see you here researching before making a decision on which parrot is right for you. Every Parrot has different intelligent levels, characteristics and personalities.


You will find a wealth of information on this Forum that will give you a good idea of the Grey's characteristics and requirements go.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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welcome to the forum! there is a lot to learn, before and after your birdy comes home that is for sure. i was pretty anxious about getting things right before my merlin came home!


he is a joy and a wonder every day.


i recommend you find a local bird club or rescue group to connect with also. i have a wonderful bird shop nearby that has been a wonderful resource. these boards are wonderful but sometimes one needs to actually see and be with fellow bird brains.


my merlin is a rescue bird and has been a wonderful experience. please do consider a rescue bird, they are not all in rescue because they have problems. oftentimes their human has taken ill or has passed away. just presenting another option for your consideration. as if you need more to think about!


anyway welcome aboard and we are all awaiting your new arrival, whomever it might be.


well better go, merlin has just made his little 'tweedle' sound meaning it is time for hide and seek.

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Thanks again for your warm welcome, Yes I always do research into everything I do lol There are too many people that just do things on a whim and regret it afterwards and I think it is so sad. From birds to dogs, cats, fish even kids.

I have considered re-homing and will be going to see a few babies and greys that need rehoming next week and see if any decide that they would like me to be their new mummy :)

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Hello and Welcome to our family. I am happy that you are doing all the necessary research before purchasing a grey. They DO require a big commitment, and it is a lifetime one. They are a lot like having a very young child. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are happy to help you.

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Hello and Welcome to our family. I am happy that you are doing all the necessary research before purchasing a grey. They DO require a big commitment, and it is a lifetime one. They are a lot like having a very young child. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are happy to help you.

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I have been talking to a couple of local breeders as I would love to get one from someone who doesn't mind if I contact them again for any advise or help that I may need. Found a few people who are just doing it for the money side of things and don't really care if they go to a good home or not, which I think is awful.

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Going with a local breeder is the way to go, if possible. If they are close enough, it can normally visit and get to know your new baby before you bring them home. It also gives you plenty of time to watch the breeder and ask questions as you have them.


Good luck in your search for the right parrot for you, if you decide to purchase or re-home one. :-)

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