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My baby got stuck!


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I have just had the most terrifying experience with Liath. As you may know I always put my greys in their cage at mealtimes due to too many rows at the dinner table. (Their table manners are atrocious!)


Well we were sitting having dinner and one of the kids commented on Liath... I looked around and she looked like she was lying on the bottom of the cage. I asked her was she playing peekaboo and she just sort of grunted. Next thing she started screaming... it absolutely terrified me. I jumped up and ran over to see what was wrong. I have no idea how she managed it, but she had her wing caught in the grid on the floor of the cage. I had to get a towel to protect my hand from her beak and she screamed and screamed while I jiggled and wriggled her wing free. Her whole wing was under the grid while the rest of her was above it.


Anyway once I freed her I picked her up, and she tucked her head under my chin, snuggled in and panted for ages. The poor poor baby! :ohmy: :(

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Good thing that you used that towel or else it would have been you that would be suffering from some serious bites. That towel probably helped you to take your time when trying to get her free. Sometimes greys can get into the strangest positions which then can cause them to get stuck. They really don't pay attention to how close they are from injury. They just focus on what they're doing. I once had one of my greys upside down in the cage. He was holding onto the roof bars and having an intense fight with his cow bell. He was getting wild with this bell. All of a sudden he made the wrong move and fell straight down to the bottom and landed on his back. I walked over to him and whlie on his back,he had the strangest look on his face something like* did this actually happen to me?* All I could do was start laughing. He straightened up and went right up to where he was before and the fight between him and the bell got even more intense. He looked like he was blaming the bell for what just happened.

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Dave007 wrote:

He looked like he was blaming the bell for what just happened.


Yep, normally she blames me when something happens to scare her, so I was delighted when she went for cuddles instead of bites. I have no idea how she managed to get her wing under the grid, but the main reason she couldnt get out was because she was trying to pull her wing out, but she actually needed to move her body forward and keep her wing still if you understand me...


Thank God I was home. I wonder how long it would have taken her to figure out how to get out... she could have broken her wing wriggling so hard.


All I can say is I NEVER want to hear that scream again as long as I live... it was horrific :ohmy:

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Siobha - I can only imagine how your heart must have been pounding and the wild thoughts going through your mind seeing liath on the floor screaming. Thank god you used the towel!!:ohmy:


Dave - I'm laughing too at the the great mental picture you painted. Did he or the bell finally win round 2? :-)

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Thank the Lord you were home when that happened or she may have chewed her wing off trying to free herself. I swear these birds are worse then kids sometime with some of the perdicaments they get themselves into. I'm so glad shes okay and that all is well with her world again


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Alls well that ends well. There isnt a bother in the world on her now. She has been flying round the house, from chair to chair and from door to door. Her wing is fine, her ego is fine, and finally my heart is also fine :blink: Herself and Oisin have had their nightly cuddles and I have just put her to bed! Whew!


Hopefully she has learned her lesson and she will keep her wings tight against her body when playing on the floor of the cage. In hindsight she was probably playing with her bell. She has one of those holey balls with a bell inside which is supposed to hang from the top of the cage, but she unhooked it in about 30 seconds. She loves to play beak ball around the floor of her cage with it. I'd say the game just got too rough and her wing payed the price:unsure:

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OMG!! how lucky is she that you were home, poor thing, how is she?and how are you? you must have as terrified as liath:unsure: hope she wasnt affraid to go back in her cage and how lovley that all she wanted after was to know she was safe in your arms for cuddles.;)

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:( Sorry Siobhan i have only just caught up with this.My heart goes out to you, i can only imagine how you felt at the time.Im so glad you was at home & was able to prevent Liath causing herself a nasty injury.


Glad to hear she has suffered no after effects :)

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There's never a winner of a round or a full bout. Both parties insist they're better and will be even better. They both believe that tomorrow will be the day. Smokey is the one with the facial iritations though. He wears them as a badge of honor. He has no defense and doesn't feel that he needs any. He would feel insulted if he had to use a defence. He's strictly a fast forward puncher,squawker and a bell bully. He's also a dirty fighter. Talk about low blows. He hits that bell from all angles and he does it cause there's no ref around. Ever get hit below the belt and wind up having your clanger moaning instead of ringing? Even the 2 buddies in the duffle bag can't help out. They're in soprano mode. He's intent upon destroying that bell's *special purpose* area.

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Thank goodness you were home. I've heard that scream once and it's horrible. When Dorian was still in the pet store I was working a shift and I heard him scream. He'd gotten a talon caught in some fringe from his swing. That's the day I knew he really trusted me 'cause even though he was in a panic he let me get in to free him. Glad your baby wasn't too traumatized. Now you just have to deal with your trauma from this experience!

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Acappella wrote:

He'd gotten a talon caught in some fringe from his swing.


OUCH! Yes I'd say you know that scream... its very scary isnt it? Even so called bird safe toys and cages can be dangerous! I mean you'd think when they are inside their cages they are safe, wouldnt you?


I have recovered now I think ;) She has managed to survive another 24 hours without getting into too much trouble so all is calm in our household again!

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siobha9 wrote:

I have recovered now I think ;) She has managed to survive another 24 hours without getting into too much trouble so all is calm in our household again!


Until the next time, hopefully there won't be a next time:whistle: ;)

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