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New Talon and Horse Pictures

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Here are some new pictures, I havent taken any new ones for a while.


First off is the horses. The dark brown is Pat, the light brown is Annie, and the pony is Misty. In some of them they are wearing a flymask, its protection from the flies. Yes, they can see. ;)




^Smile! I taught him that trick once, and now he does it all the time for a treat. :laugh:


^He's taking a nap.


^getting up from a nap, I guess i woke him up.



Misty's shedded out alot more since then. She likes to change color in the summer. :P






^This was early spring, i think around when we brought them home


Talon pictures next post...

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^Shhh, don't tell my mom that I posted these. She wouldn't like to see that i was taking pictures instead of getting Talon off the curtain. :unsure: :whistle: :P


Should I be worried that the toy talon is destroying is a person? :ohmy:









That's all i got. Thanks for looking! And sorry for the boring comments, i used up all my witty humor on my 8 page history final project. :sick: Thankfully we get out in like 2 weeks. :)



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Melissa i just love your pictures,the horses look wonderful,im afraid im allergic to them :ohmy: They bring my arms & face out in a rash :(


Ans as for Talon what can i say ? she is one cheeky girl & you was naughty snapping away at taking pictures on your mom's curtains rather than getting her down :laugh:


Thanks for sharing :)

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Nice pics of the horses Melissa and always good photos of Talon, she is so photogenic and you know how to bring out the best in her but next time keep her away from the curtains, you don't want to upset Mom any more than necessary, ok;) B)

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Thanks guys!!!


Hi Heather!


Horses can sleep standing up like you said, but if they are really comfortable then they sleep laying down.


They are alot of work. For example, what I need to do everyday is feed them in the morning, let them out into the pasture(which my mom does when i have school :) ) clean the stalls, make sure they have fresh hay and water, enough bedding, measure the grain for that night and morning, let them in and feed them. I usually clean stalls at night before i let them in, and it takes about an hour and a half, depending how fast i work :P I also try and ride once a day. Normally i use the weekends for chores that i put off during the week, like cleaning out the buckets, or cleaning the pasture.


So they are alot of work, but at least my mom doesnt have to yell at me because I dont do anything. :P And my mom does help alot, including the financial part of it. I don't really mind the work though, its worth it. :)



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It's great if one has the possibility to own horses - Which is in the US - I presume? - about everywhere if not living in a metropolis city? I wish I had that possibility. However urban girls are definitely discriminated regarding that subject :P


I love your horses, Melissa. I can imagine that the work comes as a package deal and is just part of it all. If you ask me it beats ironing or vacuuming etc. :laugh:


Beautiful photos and Talons' hanging in the curtains photo is c-u-t-e !!

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