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A Wizard Arrives Precisely When He Means To

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Hello, everyone. I'm offering a short intro to myself and my Grey before I start posting and confusing everyone with my mysterious appearance. ;)


I live in the San Francisco Bay Area in California and I've had Gandalf for about 3 years. I reserved his egg through a breeder and picked him up after he was weaned after years of wanting a grey parrot and doing a lot of reading. I can honestly say that even with my nerdy love of books you can't quite be prepared for the real thing.


I tried to follow all the rules as he grew up and luckily that has made him well adjusted in many ways (new toys don't scare him, he'll try new food, he loves his vet, and he does well visiting new places in his travel cage). I even did well with curbing biting...until he turned two and (a few minor cuts later) I became, admittedly, a bit too scared of his beak for my own good.


In his third year, Gandalf and I are having a renaissance. We are working to improve our bond and trust and I'm working to improve his environment and overall quality of life. Joining this forum is actually part of that quest; I'd like to ask questions and learn, as well as help others who are facing the confusing situations I've been through before. Expect me to be lurking through all the neat information and replying or posting anywhere I have questions (there will be many) or answers (hopefully I'll have a few).<br><br>Post edited by: GandalfTheGrey, at: 2008/06/05 06:14

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Hi GandalfTheGrey & Welcome to the forum :)

Please have a good look around the different rooms we have & you will find a wealth of knowledge on various subjects.Hopefully you can find some answers to your questions, if not please ask & we will endeavour to answer :)

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Hello GandalfTheGrey and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gandalf.


Nothing can prepare you for the real thing, yo can read all the books and do tons of research on the internet and still come up short but you have your new found friends here to help you, all you have to do is ask.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Gandalf you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome to our family. Sounds like you hit the terrible two's as I did with Talon. The biting started then....:pinch:

Glad you joined, and are so open to wanting to learn as much as you can here to help with your wanting to improve the bond you two share. I highly respect you for such an effort, it will pay off in years of love. B)

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Hi and welcome GandalfTheGrey. I am just doing what you have done (the reading and reaserching since last june)before I have my baby in July. I dont think im even half prepared for what lies ahead but I want more than anything to do my best for my bird, I joined here a few months ago and everyone is so helpfull and friendly and there is and answer to any question you can think of. so welcome to the flock, and would love to see any pictures you have of you and Gandalph(love the name by the way :) )

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